Universidad de los Andes and Coursera Will Develop Latin America’s First Top-Tier Online Master’s in Software Engineering

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Automation and technology are disrupting jobs worldwide while also  creating a strong demand for software engineering and IT professionals, and Latin America is no exception. The region currently has an estimated shortage of nearly 450,000 IT professionals, with a gap of more than 25,000 individuals in Colombia […]
The post Universidad de los Andes…

Universidad de los Andes Will Develop Latin America’s First Top-Tier Online Master’s in Software Engineering on Coursera

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Automation and technology are disrupting jobs worldwide while also  creating a strong demand for software engineering and IT professionals, and Latin America is no exception. The region currently has an estimated shortage of nearly 450,000 IT professionals, with a gap of more than 25,000 individuals in Colombia […]
The post Universidad de los Andes…

An Alternative for ‘Less Relevant’ Agile: the Studio Model

Last week Forbes ran an article by writer/data scientist Kurt Cagle arguing that Agile software development “was becoming less and less relevant.” Within five days it had racked up 300,000 hits, and “I’m still digging out from the deluge of email, Tweets and Linked In messages,” he wrote this week. But in a new follow-up, Cagle looks back over his 40…

NPM Bans Terminal Ads

A week after a popular JavaScript library started showing full-blown ads in the npm command-line interface, npm, Inc., the company that runs the npm tool and website, has taken a stance and plans to ban such behavior in the future. From a report: “We are always working on improving our policies and expand on our commitments to the community,” Ahmad Nassri,…

‘Agile Programming is Not Dead, Quite the Opposite’

“Agile is not dead, quite the opposite,” argues Alistair Cockburn, one of the co-authors of the original Manifesto for Agile Software Development in 2001: Why then, do we read of agile’s death? Three reasons: phony ads, misunderstanding ordinary movement of ideas through society, and looking at the wrong curves… The sales pitch is pretty obvious when you look for it. Ignore…

Is Agile Becoming Less and Less Relevant?

OneHundredAndTen shares “an interesting Forbes article that posits that Agile software development is losing relevance, it is not the silver bullet that some claimed, and it has become a sort of religion — ‘If Agile doesn’t work for you, you are not doing it right.'” Writer/data scientist Kurt Cagle even describes passing around “the holy hockey stick” while begging the scrum…

How Netflix Is Using Its Muscle To Push Filmmaking Technology Boundaries

Carolyn Giardina from The Hollywood Reporter writes about the growing influence Netflix has from hardware and software development to industry display standards. For example, as recently as six months ago, Netflix forbid Hollywood cinematographers from using a highly-popular camera because the standard model employed a 3.2K resolution sensor instead of a 4K sensor required for the streamer’s original programming. Netflix also…

GitHub Starts Blocking Developers In Countries Facing US Trade Sanctions

After a developer based in the Crimea region of Ukraine was blocked from GitHub this week, the Microsoft-owned software development platform said it has started restricting accounts in countries facing U.S. trade sanctions. GitHub lists Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syris as countries facing U.S. sanctions. ZDNet reports: As the developer reports, his website https://tkashkin.tk, which is hosted on GitHub,…

University of Alberta partners with Coursera to teach the foundations of Reinforcement Learning with new Specialization

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Alpha Zero, the program that beat the world’s best chess player, is among the most well-known examples of what is called Reinforcement Learning (RL). Considered by many to be the breakthrough for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Reinforcement Learning is truly unique in that it creates […]
The post University of Alberta partners…

India’s First CPUs Are Ready For App Development

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has released the software development kit (SDK) for its open-source Shakti processor. Shakti is based on the open-source RISC-V instruction set architecture and was funded by the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. The institute promised that a development board will also be released soon. Tom’s Hardware reports: The RISE group at IIT…