Monty Python’s Silly Walk is exactly 6.7 times more silly than normal

An analysis of a classic Monty Python sketch suggests the Minister of Silly Walks has a walking style 6.7 times more variable, or silly, than normal walking Source:…

Stealth Startup Plans Fundamentally New Kind of Computer with Circuit-Rearranging Processor

VCs have given nearly half a billion dollars to a stealth startup called SambaNova Systems to build “a new kind of computer to replace the typical Von Neumann machines expressed in processors from Intel and AMD, and graphics chips from Nvidia.” ZDNet reports:
The last thirty years in computing, said CEO Rodrigo Liang, have been “focused on instructions and operations, in terms…

Why planets have size limits

Why isn’t there an endless variety of planets in the universe? An astrophysicist explains why planets only come in 2 flavors. Source:…

Monty Python’s Terry Jones Passes Away At 77

Mogster shares a report from the BBC: Monty Python stars have led the tributes to their co-star Terry Jones, who has died at the age of 77. The Welsh actor and writer played a variety of characters in the iconic comedy group’s Flying Circus TV series, and directed several of their films. He died on Tuesday, four years after contracting a…

How to Make a Plan for Your Life and Set Personal Goals

Have you ever stopped to think about what you really want your life to be like? Dr. Richard Shell, an award-winning scholar, teacher, and author at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has found that most people don’t. Luckily, he can help you get started. Below, listen to the conversation or read the […]
The post How to Make a…

ESA studies human hibernation for space travel

In movies and books, fictional astronauts enter ‘suspended animation’ to cross the vastness of space. Recently ESA investigated how real-life crew hibernation would impact a space mission to Mars. Source:…

Planting a flag on the moon

With virtually no atmosphere on the moon – and, therefore, no wind – flags that fly freely on Earth would hang like limp cloth in the lunar environment. So Apollo 11 engineers had to rethink flagpole design entirely. Source:…

The Rise and Fall of Visual Basic

Technology writer Matthew MacDonald began writing QuickBASIC code back in 1988 on the DOS operating system, sharing it on a 3.5-inch floppy disk. “I still remember writing code in white text on its cheery blue background…” He tells his readers on Medium that “I have a confession to make. Before I became a respectable developer working with modern curly-bracket languages like…