Bird-like dinosaurs that lost a finger show evolution in action

Bird-like dinosaurs called oviraptorids normally had three fingers, but skeletons rescued from fossil poachers reveal a new species with just two Source:…

Did this mass extinction event trigger dawn of the dinosaurs?

New research suggests that a series of huge volcanic eruptions, 233 million years ago, led to a mass extinction event that heralded the dawn of the dinosaurs. Source:…

Researchers Baffled as Warrior Skeletons Reveal Bronze Age Europeans Couldn’t Drink Milk

sciencehabit quotes Science magazine: About 3000 years ago, thousands of warriors fought on the banks of the Tollense river in northern Germany. They wielded weapons of wood, stone, and bronze to deadly effect: Over the past decade, archaeologists have unearthed the skeletal remains of hundreds of people buried in marshy soil. It’s one of the largest prehistoric conflicts ever discovered. Now,…

Skeletons reveal wealth gap in Europe began to open 6600 years ago

Some early farmers at a site in Poland were buried with elaborate grave goods – now it seems these individuals also had access to more productive pastures Source:…

Mysterious evolution of wonky whale skulls

How we worked out when whales first evolved asymmetrical skulls. Source:…

Divers Find Evidence of Prehistoric Mining Operation in North America

Iwastheone shared this article from CBS News:
Experts and cave divers in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula have found ocher mines that are some of the oldest on the continent. Ancient skeletons were found in the narrow, twisting labyrinths of now-submerged sinkhole caves… The discovery of remains of human-set fires, stacked mining debris, simple stone tools, navigational aids and digging sites suggest humans went…

Powerful X-ray imaging reveals new details of dinosaur embryos in eggs

To look at dinosaur embryos entombed inside 200 million year old fossil eggs, scientists used powerful X-rays to create detailed images. They wanted to see how these embryos compared to those of modern-day dinosaur relatives. Source:…