Party Like It’s 1925 On Public Domain Day

Neda Ulaby, writing for NPR: What a year it was for Anglo-American literature and the arts! 1925 was the year of heralded novels by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Virginia Woolf, seminal works by Sinclair Lewis, Franz Kafka, Gertrude Stein, Agatha Christie, Theodore Dreiser, Edith Wharton, Aldous Huxley … and a banner year for musicians, too. Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, the Gershwins,…

How Mindfulness Can Reshape Negative Thought Patterns

Jason Linder – If you often feel stuck in negative thought patterns, this may help. Source:…

8 Silent Films Every Sci-Fi and Horror Fan Should See

Genre films have been around basically as long as cinema itself—which means audiences have been shrieking at monsters and marveling at space adventures for over 100 years. Technology may have changed rather dramatically, but a lot of the core stories are still remarkably similar.Read more…Source:…