Delta Aquariids 2020: All you need to know

Late July presents the nominal peak of the Delta Aquariid meteor shower, but this long and rambling shower is officially active from about July 12 to August 23 each year. Source:…

Full moon, faint eclipse, on July 4-5

The penumbral lunar eclipse of July 4-5, 2020 will be so nearly imperceptible that some will see nothing even while staring at it. Then again … very observant people will notice something strange happening on the moon, without knowing an eclipse is taking place. Who will see it (or not) in this post. Source:…

10 great places to see meteor showers in the US

Looking for an awesome place to watch meteor showers in the U.S.? AccuWeather – and the editors of EarthSky – recommend these 10 places. Source:…

Saharan-fed sunsets in the US

A massive Saharan dust plume is moving into the southeast US, bringing technicolor sunsets and suppressing tropical storms. Source:…

Longing for the sea? Check out these photos

Thanks to all in the EarthSky community who honored World Oceans Day by contributing these awesome photos. Source:…

One of Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids has a comet-like tail

Trojan asteroids orbit 60 degrees ahead of and behind Jupiter, in its wide orbit at 5 times Earth’s distance from the sun. Now the 1st Trojan asteroid has been found with a comet-like tail. Source:…

SpaceX Starlink satellites caused a stir over western Europe last night

On April 19, 2020, many in western Europe were stunned to spot a line of satellites crossing the night sky. They were the SpaceX Starlink satellites. Source:…

Watch for Lyrid meteors this week

Assuming ideal conditions, you might catch 10 to 15 meteors per hour in 2020’s Lyrid meteor shower. The peak is probably Wednesday morning – April 22 – but watch the mornings before and after, too. Source:…

Improving shoes, showers, 3-D printing: Research launching to the space station

A variety of science investigations, along with supplies and equipment, launch to the International Space Station on the 20th SpaceX commercial resupply services mission. The Dragon cargo spacecraft is scheduled to leave Earth March 6 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Its cargo includes research on particle foam manufacturing, water droplet formation, the human…

Radio waves detect particle showers in a block of plastic

When neutrinos crash into water molecules in the billion-plus tons of ice that make up the detector at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica, more than 5,000 sensors detect the light of subatomic particles produced by the collisions. But as one might expect, these grand-scale experiments don’t come cheap. …