Top 10 tips for watching 2019’s Perseid meteors

The 2019 Perseid meteor shower will likely peak August 12-13, unfortunately under the light of a bright moon. But the shower is already rising to its peak. Tips here for getting the most from this year’s Perseid shower. Source:…

How to find Delta Aquariid radiant point

How to spot the radiant point for the Delta Aquariid meteor shower, going on now. Plus … why meteors in annual showers have radiant points. Source:…

Orion the Hunter returns before dawn

Orion the Hunter – the most noticeable of constellations – returns to the east before sunup in each year at this time. Watch for Orion, and see why it’s been called “the ghost of the shimmering summer dawn.” Source:…

See the constellation Scutum the Shield

Scutum has only has 4 stars that make up the constellation outline, but it’s noticeable in a dark sky because a rich region of the Milky Way is behind it. Source:…

Delta Aquariid meteors peak around now

This meteor shower doesn’t have a definite peak, but is spread out over many weeks. With little to no moonlight before dawn now, late July and early August are a good time to watch. Source:…

Perseid meteors 2019: All you need to know

The Perseid meteor shower has already begun its slow and steady rise to its peak. In 2019, the peak mornings – around August 11, 12 and 13 – will be troubled by moonlight. Plan to watch for Perseid meteors in early August this year, then be prepared for moonlight at the peak. Source:…

Delta Aquariids 2019: All you need to know

Late July presents the nominal peak of the Delta Aquariid meteor shower, but this long and rambling shower is officially active from about July 12 to August 23 each year. Source:…

Draco, great Dragon of the north

Meet Rastaban and Eltanin – lovely, romantic names for Dragon stars! These 2 stars represent the Eyes of the Dragon. Source:…