Pentagon Blocks Clampdown on Huawei Sales

The Commerce Department’s efforts to tighten the noose on Huawei Technologies Co. is facing a formidable obstacle: the Pentagon. From a report:Commerce officials have withdrawn proposed regulations making it harder for U.S. companies to sell to Huawei [the link may be paywalled] from their overseas facilities following objections from the Defense Department as well as the Treasury Department, people familiar with…

HBO’s New Space Comedy Mocks ‘Tech Bros in Charge’

Engadget reports on a new tech-industry-in-space comedy premiering tonight on HBO: If you thought that HBO was done mocking technology companies now that Silicon Valley is done, think again. Avenue 5 is the channel’s new sitcom, and one that asks the question: “What if tech bros were in charge of more than just our internet histories?'” The answer, at least according…

Mozilla Lays Off 70 As It Waits For New Products To Generate Revenue

According to TechCrunch, Mozilla has laid off about 70 employees today. From the report: In an internal memo, Mozilla chairwoman and interim CEO Mitchell Baker specifically mentions the slow rollout of the organization’s new revenue-generating products as the reason for why it needed to take this decision. The overall number may still be higher, though, as Mozilla is still looking into…

Mozilla: All Firefox Users Get California’s CCPA Privacy Rights To Delete Personal Data

Mozilla has announced that it’s rolling out changes under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) to all Firefox users worldwide. ZDNet reports: The CCPA, known as America’s toughest privacy legislation, came into effect on January 1, 2020, offering Californian users data-protection rules better suited to today’s world of data collection. Much like Europe’s GDPR, the CCPA gives consumers the right to…

How Cruise Ships Bring 1,200 Tons of Toxic Fumes To Brooklyn a Year

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey agreed to introduce [a $21 million plug-in station] in Red Hook several years ago in an effort to eliminate 1,200 tons of carbon dioxide, 25 tons of nitrous oxide and tons of hazardous particulate matter spewed…

Atari’s Home Computers Turn 40

harrymcc writes: Atari’s first home computers, the 400 and 800, were announced at Winter CES in January 1980. But they didn’t ship until late in the year — so over at Fast Company, Benj Edwards has marked their 40th anniversary with a look at their rise and fall. Though Atari ultimately had trouble competing with Apple and other entrenched PC makers,…

Amazon Blocks Sellers From Using FedEx Ground For Prime Shipments

schwit1 shares a report from The Wall Street Journal: is blocking its third-party sellers from using FedEx’s ground delivery network for Prime shipments, citing a decline in performance heading into the final stretch of the holiday shopping season. The ban on using FedEx’s Ground and Home services starts this week and will last “until the delivery performance of these ship…

Physicists Use Bubbling Quantum Vacuum To Hopscotch Heat Across Empty Space

Long-time Slashdot reader fahrbot-bot quotes Live Science: When you touch a hot surface, you’re feeling movement. If you press your hand against a mug of tea, warmth spreads through your fingers. That’s the sensation of billions of atoms banging together. Tiny vibrations carry thermal energy from the water to the mug and then into your skin as one molecule knocks into…

Mozilla To Force All Add-on Devs To Use 2FA To Prevent Supply-Chain Attacks

Mozilla announced this week that all developers of Firefox add-ons must enable a two-factor authentication (2FA) solution for their account. From a report: “Starting in early 2020, extension developers will be required to have 2FA enabled on AMO [the Mozilla Add-Ons portal],” said Caitlin Neiman, Add-ons Community Manager at Mozilla. “This is intended to help prevent malicious actors from taking control…