Atomic-Scale Nanowires Can Now Be Produced At Scale

fahrbot-bot shares a report from Phys.Org: Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have discovered a way to make self-assembled nanowires of transition metal chalcogenides at scale using chemical vapor deposition. By changing the substrate where the wires form, they can tune how these wires are arranged, from aligned configurations of atomically thin sheets to random networks of bundles. This paves the way…

Want to find life on Mars? Look deep underground

A new study from researchers at Rutgers University suggests that the best place to look for evidence of life on Mars is deep underground, where geothermal heat melted subsurface ice. Source:…

All Three Monoliths Gone — Two Removed By Activist Vandals

A Reddit user found Google Earth photos showing the Utah monolith may have appeared in its canyon up to five years ago, according to The Daily Beast. But it’s gone now: Last week, a team of four people removed the Utah obelisk. One of them, a Utah adventure guide, explained their actions in an Instagram post. “We removed the Utah Monolith…

Spotify Invents AI Tech That Will Police Songwriter Plagiarism

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Music Business Worldwide: According to a document published last week, Daniel Ek’s company is seeking a patent for its “Plagiarism Risk Detector And Interface” technology, which pertains to “Methods, systems and computer program products..for testing a lead sheet for plagiarism.” As explained in the filing — and as our songwriter/musician readers will already know…

Best region for life on Mars was far below surface

The most habitable region for life on Mars would have been up to several miles below its surface, likely due to subsurface melting of thick ice sheets fueled by geothermal heat, a Rutgers-led study concludes. Source:…

Twisted Graphene Could Power a New Generation of Superconducting Electronics

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: In 2018, a group of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) pulled off a dazzling materials science magic trick. They stacked two microscopic cards of graphene — sheets of carbon one atom thick — and twisted one ever so slightly. Applying an electric field transformed the stack from a conductor to an…

The Arctic hasn’t been this warm for 3 million years

The last time CO2 concentrations reached today’s level was 3 million years ago, during the Pliocene Epoch. Hear from geoscientists who see evolving conditions in the Arctic as an indicator of how climate change could transform the planet. Source:…

Q3 2020 Coursera for Business Quarterly Product Release

By Shwetabh Mittal, Senior Director, Product Management The great lockdown caused by COVID-19 has accelerated the need for digital skills. Companies are reallocating their digital talent to stay competitive and dedicating more time and resources to helping their employees learn about digital technologies. The pandemic has had an even bigger impact on higher education: around 1.6 […]
The post Q3 2020 Coursera for…

Worsening rifts, fractures spotted at 2 important Antarctic glaciers

Satellite imagery has revealed that 2 of the fastest-changing glaciers in Antarctica are fracturing and weakening faster than ever, a step towards the glaciers disintegrating and causing sea levels to rise dramatically. Source:…

What To Do With Fall Leaves | 11 Smart Ways

Are you wondering what to do with fall leaves? Be glad as they are like free loads of treasure strewn all over your yard. Here are some things you can do with these organic gold. RELATED:  17 Fall Decorations To Dress Up Your Home For The Season 11 Clever Tips on What to Do With Fall…Continue Reading
The post What To Do With…