The Trillion-Dollar Taboo: Why It’s Time To Stop Ignoring Mental Health at Work

Experts in workplace psychology overwhelmingly agree that burnout is a growing public health crisis. An excerpt from a long report: When the FT set out to investigate this issue, we asked readers to describe how their employers handle mental health issues, including stress, burnout, anxiety and depression. More than 450 people responded from 43 countries. Although they were a self-selecting group,…

Book Subtitles Are Getting Ridiculously Long. Blame it on SEO.

How many words can you fit in a subtitle? For a slew of modern books, the answer seems to be as many as possible. From a report: Just look at Julie Holland’s “Moody Bitches: The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy,” Erin McHugh’s “Political Suicide: Missteps,…

Predator Cops, Guilty of Sex Crimes Against Women and Children, Are a Menace to Society

John W. Whitehead – How could this be happening right under our noses? Source:…

The Supreme Court just took up a set of very big cases on LGBTQ rights


Male scientists are often cast as lone geniuses. Here’s what happened when a woman was.

The sexist backlash against the woman involved with the black hole image, explained. Just after the Event Horizon Telescope project announced last week that its astronomers had managed to capture the first-ever image of a black hole, MIT tweeted this image. Here’s the moment when the first black hole image was processed, from the eyes… Continue reading Male scientists are often cast as lone geniuses. Here’s what happened when a woman was.

Wikipedia Isn’t Officially a Social Network. But the Harassment Can Get Ugly.

Unlike at social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, the people who respond to reports of harassment are largely unpaid volunteers. Source:

Biden Didn’t Rush Into 2020. The Race Came to Him Anyway.

Joe Biden delayed his entry into the Democratic field, hoping to avoid the fray. Now, a crisis he was unprepared for has left him as badly bruised as anyone in the race. Source:

Herman Cain Opens a New #MeToo Minefield for Republicans

President Trump’s Federal Reserve pick is forcing lawmakers to confront a fresh round of uncomfortable allegations of sexual misconduct against women as the 2020 campaign begins. Source: