Facebook Criticized For Temporarily Blocking Entire Domain ‘Dreamwidth.org’

Dreamwidth is an online journal service based on the LiveJournal codebase, according to Wikipedia — “a code fork of the original service, set up by ex-LiveJournal staff Denise Paolucci and Mark Smith, born out of a desire for a new community based on open access, transparency, freedom and respect.” “I discovered, about an hour ago, that all of my posts on…

Your ‘Doomscrolling’ Breeds Anxiety. Health Experts Offer Ways To Stop the Cycle

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: So many of us do it: You get into bed, turn off the lights, and look at your phone to check Twitter one more time. You see that coronavirus infections are up. Maybe your kids can’t go back to school. The economy is cratering. Still, you incessantly scroll though bottomless doom-and-gloom news for…

Suspect Is Arrested In Grisly Killing of Tech CEO Fahim Saleh

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The former personal assistant of a young tech entrepreneur found decapitated and dismembered in his Manhattan apartment was arrested early on Friday and was expected to be charged in the killing, according to three officials briefed on the matter. The entrepreneur, Fahim Saleh, 33, was discovered dead on Tuesday afternoon…

How To Start Your Own Worm Composting Bin

Creating your own worm composting bin is a great addition to your homestead. It is affordable, low-maintenance, and very easy to make. It can help you decompost your food scraps organically. Plus, it can also give you rich and nutritious soil that can help your plants grow faster. To get you moving, we prepared five…Continue Reading
The post How To Start Your…

Google Scrapped Cloud Initiative in China, ‘Sensitive Markets’

Google abandoned plans to offer a major new cloud service in China and other politically sensitive countries due in part to concerns over geopolitical tensions and the pandemic, Blloomberg reported Wednesday, citing two employees familiar with the matter, revealing the challenges for U.S. tech giants to secure business in those markets. From a report: In May, the search giant shut down…

Ubisoft CEO Lays Out a Plan To Change the Company’s Toxic Culture

A week after launching investigations into many claims of harassment and misconduct, Ubisoft’s CEO gave an update on what the company is doing to change things. From a report: In a letter posted on its website and emailed to employees, Yves Guillemot said “the types of inappropriate behavior we have recently learned about cannot and will not be tolerated.” That’s sharply…

Fresh Calls For Guarantees on Digital Taxation in Future UK-US Trade Deal

One of America’s largest internet advocacy groups has published a six-point wish list for a future UK-US trade deal, including calls for no unilateral digital taxes. From a report: The Internet Association’s new white paper calls for a future trade deal to include provisions to ensure the free flow of information between the two countries, a guarantee to not unilaterally impose…

Amazon Launches Space Push To Drive Cloud-Computing Growth

Amazon.com is boosting efforts to lure military and commercial space organizations as major users of its cloud-computing services, hoping to benefit from rising government spending and burgeoning private investment. From a report: The move by Amazon Web Services, the online retail giant’s cloud-computing arm, comes during a multiyear surge in U.S. military and civilian agency spending on space projects, with NASA,…

Natural Language Processing Specialization from deeplearning.ai: Q&A with Younes Bensouda Mourri

Younes Bensouda Mourri is an instructor of the new Natural Language Processing Specialization from deeplearning.ai on Coursera. The intermediate-level, four-course Specialization helps learners develop deep learning techniques to build cutting-edge NLP systems. Apart from his research interest in AI, Younes is actively working to better AI education for some of the brightest minds at Stanford […]
The post Natural Language Processing Specialization…

Google Says It Will Keep Less Browser History and Location Data By Default

Google said Wednesday it was changing the defaults on its services in an effort to store less browser history and location data on its servers. NBC News reports: Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a blog post that the first time a person turns on location history, the default option would be for the data to be stored for 18 months….