New CrossTalk Attack Impacts Intel’s Mobile, Desktop, and Server CPUs

Academics from a university in the Netherlands have published details today about a new vulnerability in Intel processors. From a report: The security bug, which they named CrossTalk, enables attacker-controlled code executing on one CPU core to leak sensitive data from other software running on a different core. The Vrije University’s Systems and Network Security Group (VUSec) says the CrossTalk vulnerability…

George Floyd: Anonymous Hackers Reemerge Amid US Unrest

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: As the United States deals with widespread civil unrest across dozens of cities, “hacktivist” group Anonymous has returned from the shadows. The hacker collective was once a regular fixture in the news, targeting those it accused of injustice with cyber-attacks. After years of relative quiet, it appears to have re-emerged in the…

Finding Serious ‘Sign In with Apple’ Hole Earns Security Researcher a $100,000 Bug Bounty

An anonymous reader quotes Forbes: When Apple announced Sign in with Apple at the June 2019 worldwide developers conference, it called it a “more private way to simply and quickly sign into apps and websites.” The idea was, and still is, a good one: replace social logins that can be used to collect personal data with a secure authentication system backed…

Ask Slashdot: Why is Microsoft Blocking Its Own Server Pages?

Long-time Slashdot reader lpq writes: I followed a link that pointed at a Microsoft security advisory about “.lnk” files. The original link,, produced this message: Your request has been blocked. This may be due to several reasons. 1. You are using a proxy that is known to send automated requests to Microsoft. Check with your network administrator if there is…

Insignia Project Aims To Resurrect Xbox Live For the Original Xbox

Last week, Kotaku reported on a new project, called Insignia, “that aims to recreate the original Xbox Live service, potentially restoring online play to many dozens of classic Xbox games that fell offline when the original Xbox Live service closed on April 15, 2010.” From the report: The project’s announcement on the r/originalxbox subreddit came from SoullessSentinel, a screen name of…

Supercomputer Simulates the Impact of the Asteroid That Wiped Out Dinosaurs

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Some 66 million years ago, an asteroid hit the Earth on the eastern coast of modern Mexico, resulting in up to three quarters of plant and animal species living on the planet going extinct — including the dinosaurs. Now, a team of researchers equipped with a supercomputer have managed to simulate the entire…

Thousands of Enterprise Systems Infected by New Blue Mockingbird Malware Gang

Thousands of enterprise systems are believed to have been infected with a cryptocurrency-mining malware operated by a group tracked under the codename of Blue Mockingbird. From a report: Discovered earlier this month by malware analysts from cloud security firm Red Canary, the Blue Mockingbird group is believed to have been active since December 2019. Researchers say Blue Mockingbird attacks public-facing servers…

Team in Germany observes Pauli crystals for the first time

A team of researchers at Heidelberg University has succeeded in building an apparatus that allowed them to observe Pauli crystals for the first time. They have written a paper describing their efforts and have uploaded it to the arXiv preprint server. …

Addressing ‘Design Mistakes’ in Node.js, Its Developers Release JS/TypeScript Runtime Deno 1.0

“The makers of the widely used JavaScript server-side runtime, Node.js, have released Deno 1.0, a new runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that addresses ‘design mistakes’ in Node.js,” reports ZDNet:
Just like Node.js or Node, the Deno runtime is for executing JavaScript outside a web browser. However, unlike Node.js, Deno offers first-class support for Microsoft’s increasingly popular Typescript, a superset of JavaScript designed…

Microsoft Launches New Office 365 Features Blocking Reply-All Email Storms

Microsoft has begun rolling out a new feature in Office 365 to help IT staff stop the scourage that is “Reply-All email storms.” ZDNet reports:
The feature started rolling out this week to all Office 365 users worldwide. In its current form, Microsoft says the “Reply All Storm Protection” feature will block all email threads with more than 5,000 recipients that have…