Can You Tell a Programming Language Inventor From a Serial Killer?

Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: A new web quiz challenge visitors, “Can you tell a coder from a cannibal? A mathematician from a murderer? Try to spot who liked hacking away at corpses rather than computers.” One commenter on BoingBoing says the quiz brought back memories of doing IT recruitment in the 1990s. “After a few months at that job, I started…

‘Zodiac Killer’ cipher solved after 51 years

The notorious serial killer, who to this day has never been caught, left several mysterious ciphers. The unidentified individual, who terrorized parts… Source:…

CNET Remembers 1995, the Year Hollywood Finally Noticed The Internet

CNET is celebrating its 25th anniversary with articles remembering the 1990s — including that moment “when Hollywood finally noticed the web,” calling it “a flawed but fun snapshot of the moment the internet took over the world…” “Twenty-five years ago, cinema met cyberspace in a riot of funky fashion, cool music and surveillance paranoia. It began in May 1995 with the…