Sean Connery Dies at Age 90. Remembered as ‘The Best of Many’ James Bonds

In 1962 Sean Connery became the first actor to appear in movies as secret agent James Bond, and according to long-time Slashdot reader schwit1 was “The best of the many Bonds, by far.” An anonymous reader writes:
Connery influenced the character deeply. The Huffington Post once wrote that James Bond wasn’t Scottish until Sean Connery played the role. Ian Fleming was still…

19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast

On this episode of Mysterious Universe Plus+ we continue our take on the almost unbelievable story of two women who claim they were abducted and trained by the CIA when they were children. While the story takes some strange turns the conclusion is more disturbing that you can imagine. This episode is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+… Continue reading 19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast