Lush underwater forests … in the Arctic

Did you know that there are hidden underwater forests of large brown seaweeds (kelps) in the Arctic? As temperatures warm, the forests are expanding. Source:…

Polaris is the North Star

Many people think Polaris is the sky’s brightest star. In fact, Polaris ranks only 50th in brightness. Still, Polaris is famous because the entire northern sky wheels around it. Source:…

Waxing moon with Golden Handle

Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe caught this photo of a waxing moon, setting, with what’s called a Golden Handle (the curved feature at right, jutting up along the line between light and dark on the moon). Source:…

Sea otters are bouncing back – and into the jaws of great white sharks

Decades of conservation work have boosted sea otter populations in many parts of the North Pacific, but the animals are now being killed by great white sharks Source:…

Giant devil rays’ secret birthing zone?

The discovery of dozens of pregnant giant devil rays tangled in fishing nets in Mexico’s Gulf of California could mean the endangered species has an unknown birthing zone there, says a new study. Source:…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day
