Plastic Tea Bags Shed Millions of Microplastic Particles Into the Cup, Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from New Scientist: Tea drinkers have been urged to avoid plastic tea bags after tests found that a single bag sheds billions of particles of microplastic into each cup. A Canadian team found that steeping a plastic tea bag at a brewing temperature of 95C releases around 11.6 billion microplastics — tiny pieces of plastic…

Samsung-Backed Researchers Develop a Ternary Semiconductor

“Future semiconductors may perform logic with 0, 1, or 2 instead of the current binary system of 0 and 1,” reports ZDNet: A South Korean research team has successfully realised an energy-efficient ternary metal-oxide semiconductor on a large-sized wafer. Professor Kyung Rok Kim of UNIST’s Electrical & Computer Engineering Department and his team successfully created a semiconductor that operates in a…

Americans May Be Ingesting Thousands of Microplastics Every Year

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Smithsonian: A new study is shining troubling light on the quantity of microplastics Americans are consuming each year — as many as 121,000 particles, per a conservative estimate. A research team led by Kieran Cox, a PhD candidate at the University of Victoria and a former Link Fellow at the Smithsonian Institute, looked at…

Smoking Psychedelic Toad Milk May Help Depression

No, you’re not going to need a really small stool to sit on while you milk them, but you may want to check with a medical professional before trying to smoke the milk of psychedelic toads … which a new study claims can alleviate depression for up to a month. How? Take a deep, non-toad-milk… Read more » Source:…

New Statistical Study Links Sea Monster Descriptions to Dinosaur Discoveries

If they exist today, what exactly do sea serpents look like? If your description includes a long neck attached to a large bulky body, that doesn’t really sound like ‘serpent’ – does it? According to a new study, the portrayals of mythical creatures referred to as sea serpents changed during the 18th century as more… Read more » Source:…

Microwaves & the Paranormal: As Serious as a Heart Attack

Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries is a 1976 document that was prepared for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.  Specifically, it was written by Ronald L. Adams and Dr. R.A. Williams of the U.S. Army’s Medical Intelligence and Information Agency. The document was declassified – via the terms of the… Read more » Source:…

Violent Attack Turns Man From Futon Salesman to Math Genius

Seventeen years ago, Jason Padgett was a drunk futon salesman living in Tacoma, Washington. Today, he’s a genius of theoretical mathematics. He has a talent for drawing fractals by hand, and can see complex numerical relationships unfold like flowers before his eyes. What caused this drastic transformation in Jason Padgett? He got hit in the… Read more » Source:…

Astronomers Continue to Observe Strange and Mysterious Satellite Behavior

Satellite anomalies and other examples of spaceborne intrigue continue to add up, suggesting that the looming war in space might be getting closer to hot than we think. In late March 2019, India blew up a satellite in orbit with a missile, littering near-orbits with debris. The display was intended as a show of force… Read more » Source:…

When Your Time Is Up: Dead Or Deadish?

One of the most confounding things about zombies is how, after death, they are able to retain at least a few of their basic functions, even though they are technically dead. But, what exactly is death? While that may sound like a strange question, it is not. For the most part, death is defined as… Read more » Source:…

The Speed of Viruses: Zombies vs. the Real World

If there is one thing that can be said with any degree of certainty about the fictional zombie virus, it’s that it generally takes over its host an incredibly fast pace. In both 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, the “Rage Virus” has control of the victim in a matter of just a couple… Continue reading The Speed of Viruses: Zombies vs. the Real World