Coursera Expands Leadership in Content Strategy and University Partnerships

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Shira Lee Katz joins us as Head of Content Strategy and Business Insights; Nick LaRusso appointed as Head of University Partnerships Coursera’s learner community is growing rapidly — together with 190 university and industry partners, we now serve more than 42 million learners across the globe. In […]
The post Coursera Expands Leadership in…

Can Robots Solve America’s Recycling Crisis?

CNBC reports that to solve America’s recycling crisis, “companies and municipalities are turning to AI-assisted robots.” The problem began last year when China, the world’s largest recyclable processor, stopped accepting most American scrap plastic and cardboard due to contamination problems, and a glut of plastics overwhelming its own processing facilities. Historically, China recycled the bulk of U.S. waste… The situation is…

Will Machine Learning Build Up Dangerous ‘Intellectual Debt’?

Long-time Slashdot reader JonZittrain is an international law professor at Harvard Law School, and an EFF board member. Wednesday he contacted us to share his new article in the New Yorker: I’ve been thinking about what happens when AI gives us seemingly correct answers that we wouldn’t have thought of ourselves, without any theory to explain them. These answers are a…

New Cause of Cell Aging Discovered: Senescent Cells Stop Producing Nucleotides

New research from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering could be key to our understanding of how the aging process works. The findings potentially pave the way for better cancer treatments and revolutionary new drugs that could vastly improve human health in the twilight years. ScienceDaily reports: “To drink from the fountain of youth, you have to figure out where the…

Louisiana Governor Declares State Emergency After Local Ransomware Outbreak

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has activated a state-wide state of emergency in response to a wave of ransomware infections that have hit multiple school districts. ZDNet reports: The ransomware infections took place this week and have impacted the school districts of three North Louisiana parishes — Sabine, Morehouse, and Ouachita. IT networks are down at all three school districts, and…

Evolutionary Gene Loss May Help Explain Why Only Humans Are Prone To Heart Attack

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ScienceDaily: A decade ago, Nissi Varki, MD, professor of pathology at UC San Diego School of Medicine, with co-author Ajit Varki, MD, Distinguished Professor Of Medicine and Cellular And Molecular Medicine, and colleagues noted that naturally occurring coronary heart attacks due to atherosclerosis are virtually non-existent in other mammals, including closely related chimpanzees in…

edX and Boston University Questrom School of Business Launch Fully Online MBA

edX is pleased to announce the launch of an online Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Boston University Questrom School of Business. The program is designed specifically for online learners who seek to advance their management careers in today’s global economy, providing a comprehensive, engaging, and integrated experience centered on the themes that drive business in the 21st century. The BU…

‘Super Mario Maker 2’ Finally Acknowledges Nintendo Fan Communities

It was the best-selling game of June, with IGN calling it “the most accessible game design tool ever created, and that core is just one part of a greater whole…” Since its launch three weeks ago, fans have already built over 2 million custom stages, NPR notes — but the real news is that Super Mario Maker 2 finally represents a…

‘Caloric Restriction’ Study Finds Surprising Health Benefits

The New York Times reports positive results from the first major clinical study of caloric restriction (funded by America’s National Institutes of Health) in which 143 healthy volunteers ate (on average) 300 calories less each day: They lost weight and body fat. Their cholesterol levels improved, their blood pressure fell slightly, and they had better blood sugar control and less inflammation….

Vega and its constellation Lyra

The Summer Triangle consists of 3 bright stars in 3 different constellations. The brightest is Vega in the constellation Lyra. Source:…