Becoming Environmentally Conscious: Meet the edX Sustainability Team

The Sustainability Team, a group of people committed to making the edX workplace more environmentally sustainable, was formed during Hackathon XXII—a quarterly event with the goal of driving innovation and problem solving. The team’s first initiative was measuring edX’s carbon footprint and collecting potential projects to make a positive impact. The group has since grown, and has taken on a wider…

This ancient rhino roamed the Yukon

Fossils suggest that a long-extinct cousin of today’s rhinoceroses tromped through the forests of Northwest Canada roughly 8 to 9 million years ago. Source:…

Salesforce Transit Center: San Fransisco’s $2.2 Billion Cracks

Slashdot readers jimminy_cricket and Thelasko share a report from Popular Mechanics about how San Francisco’s Salesforce Transit Center went from the Grand Central of the West to a $2.2 billion construction debacle. Here’s an excerpt from the report: Built at a cost of $2.2 billion, the Salesforce Transit Center and Park formed the cornerstone of the Bay Area’s ambitious regional transportation…

40% Of America’s Schools Have Now Dropped Their SAT/ACT Testing Requirement

“A record number” of U.S. schools are now accepting nearly all of their students without requiring an SAT or ACT test score, reports the Washington Post: Robert A. Schaeffer, public education director of FairTest, which opposes the misuse of standardized tests, said the past year has seen the “fastest growth spurt ever” of schools ending the SAT/ACT test score as an…