New York’s New Digital Subway Map

An anonymous reader shares a report: The date was April 20, 1978; the scene, the Great Hall of the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art on Astor Place. On the stage where Abraham Lincoln once spoke sat two men, the Italian modernist Massimo Vignelli and the cartographer John Tauranac, constituting two sides of the Great Subway Map Debate….

Mars to reach opposition October 13

Earth passes between Mars and the sun, at opposition, on October 13, 2020, yet the Earth and Mars actually come closest together on October 6, 2020. Source:…

Should Colleges Do Admissions Without Standardized Tests?

America’s not-for-profit College Board is a membership organization of 6,000 educational institutions that creates and administers tests used by college admissions offices. But it “operates as a near monopoly” with tests “which have a stranglehold on their student-customers…an organization under serious strain, run by an elitist, tone-deaf chief executive,” according to a new article shared by long-term Slashdot reader theodp: The…

Seeing the Invisible Ones: My Journey to Coursera and Grace Hopper

Hi everyone! My name is Nhu. I’m a recent graduate and a Software Engineer at Coursera. I was also a first-time representative at Grace Hopper. This year, we experienced the conference virtually—there were no free shirts, colorful booth displays, or long lines. We did not get to experience the energy of being in a room […]
The post Seeing the Invisible Ones:…

ESA selects follow-up AI Earth observatory satellite mission

Following yesterday’s successful launch of ɸ-sat-1—Europe’s first artificial intelligence Earth observation mission—plans are already underway for the next innovative state-of-the-art technology, ɸ-sat-2. Source:…

Kingpin Behind Massive Identity-Theft Service Says He’s Sorry

Krebs on Security tells the tale of Hieu Minh Ngo, who earned $3 million by selling the identity records he’d stolen from consumer data brokers (which included social security numbers and physical addresses). “He was selling the personal information on more than 200 million Americans,” one secret service agent tells the site, “and allowing anyone to buy it for pennies apiece.”…

How a Covid-19 Outbreak Spared Masked Starbucks Employees

gollum123 shared this article from MarketWatch: Do masks really work? Ask the dozens of Starbucks customers who tested positive for COVID-19 in Seoul this month after a woman with coronavirus sat under one of the cafe’s air-conditioners. According to a local news report, at least 56 coronavirus cases have been linked to that one customer. The kicker: The four masked workers…

China celebrates completion of rival sat navigation system

China is celebrating the completion of its BeiDou Navigation Satellite System that could rival the U.S. Global Positioning System and significantly boost China’s security and geopolitical clout. Source:…

Disney World Reopened Today in Florida, Joining Sea World and Universal

“Cinderella Castle has sat silent for 116 days…” reported CNN Business. But no more — at least, not at Disney World, which today began its grand reopening: “It’s three times the size of Disneyland in terms of revenue,” Michael Nathanson, a media analyst and founding partner at MoffettNathanson, told CNN Business. Nathanson estimates that Disney World alone generated $11.2 billion, or…