2 captive beluga whales finally freed to a seawater sanctuary in Iceland

Two young beluga whales that were on show in an aquarium in Shanghai have now arrived at a seawater sanctuary off Iceland. This is the first time they’ve seen the sea in more than a decade. Source: https://www.livescience.com/beluga-whales-transported-sea-sanctuary-iceland.html

Ramps For Disabled People Trace Back To Ancient Greece

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: The ramps for disabled people that smooth entry into many public buildings today aren’t a modern invention. The ancient Greeks constructed similar ramps of stone to help individuals who had trouble walking or climbing stairs access holy sites, new research suggests. That would make the ramps — some more than 2300 years old –…

Dark Sky Sanctuary established in New England

Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine was certified as a Dark Sky Sanctuary on May 8, 2020. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/first-dark-sky-sanctuary-in-new-england…

Covid-19 spreads through the air. That’s a big challenge for reopening

Clear, straightforward information on how a virus spreads, from a scientist who studies infectious disease Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/coronavirus-covid19-how-virus-spreads-through-air-reopening…

Ready, set, explore Earth from home

We’re at home. How about you? But we just discovered these virtual tours, galleries and live webcams from around the world, which we wanted to share. Stay home, and have some virtual fun … Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/ready-set-explore-earth-from-home…

PETA Suggests Celebrating Groundhog Day With a Weather-Predicting AI-Enabled Robot

There’s a North American tradition that says there’ll be six more weeks of winter if a groundhog can see his shadow (due to clear skies) on February 2nd. And while it’s been honored every year with a ceremony in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania since 1887, PETA is now suggesting that the event’s organizers should stop using a live groundhog — and replace him…

Yazılıkaya: A 3000-year-old Hittite mystery may finally be solved

A 3200-year-old sanctuary once described as the Sistine Chapel of Hittite religious art could have acted as a calendar that was centuries ahead of its time Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24232353-600-yazilikaya-a-3000-year-old-hittite-mystery-may-finally-be-solved/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Peace Made of Non-peace Elements

As wildfires destroyed homes in California, a group of veterans who sat peacefully in a meditation retreat offered a stark contrast.
The post Peace Made of Non-peace Elements appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/paradise-wildfire/…

That Viral Video of a Chimp Scrolling Instagram Is Bad, Actually

The video of the chimpanzee scrolling through social media isn’t good for wildlife conservation, experts say.Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/8xzn7z/viral-video-of-a-chimp-scrolling-instagram-is-bad…