Pesticides and industrial pollutants found in snow atop Arctic glaciers

The long journey of these compounds – likely originating in the U.S. and Eurasia – shows the far-reaching impacts of industrial pollution. Source:…

Small robots could help look after salmon without stressing them out

Robots are being developed to help with tasks like fixing the sea cages where fish are farmed, and their size seems to be all that affects how the fish react Source:…

Scientists Find the First-Ever Animal That Doesn’t Need Oxygen To Survive

Scientists from Tel Aviv University in Israel discovered that a salmon parasite called Henneguya salminicola doesn’t have a mitochondrial genome — the first multicellular organism known to have this absence. That means it doesn’t breathe; in fact, it lives its life completely free of oxygen dependency. ScienceAlert reports: It’s a cnidarian, belonging to the same phylum as corals, jellyfish and anemones….

How Blue Apron Became a Massive $2 Billion Disaster

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Observer: If you like to cook but not to shop or plan your own meals, and if you weren’t too hungry, and if you didn’t like cooking for too many friends, then Blue Apron — the startup delivering precisely measured, prepackaged amounts of just enough salmon, green beans, butter and lemon for one meal,…

Use the science of curing to turn salmon into gravlax at home

Salt curing preserves salmon while allowing great flavours to develop. Find out the secrets of this age-old technique of preservation and make gravlax at home Source:…

US Consumers Might Get Their First Taste of Transgenic Salmon This Year

Wave723 shares a report from IEEE Spectrum: Only in the past five years has it become possible to raise thousands of healthy fish so far from the shoreline without contaminating millions of gallons of fresh water. A technology called recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) now allows indoor aquaculture farms to recycle up to 99 percent of the water they use. And the…