A second black hole at our galaxy’s center?

There’s a supermassive black hole – 4 million times our sun’s mass – in the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers who’ve measured star movements near this central black hole are now saying there might be a 2nd companion black hole near it. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/supermassive-black-hole-milky-way-galaxys-center-may-have-friend…

Thousands of exoplanets may orbit supermassive black holes

It sounds unbelievable, but a new study from Kagoshima University and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan says that exoplanets – thousands of them – could be orbiting supermassive black holes. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/thousands-of-exoplanets-may-orbit-supermassive-black-holes…

Black hole hurls star out of Milky Way

Astronomers have spotted a star – S5-HVs1 – speeding out of the Milky Way at around 4 million miles (more than 6 million km) per hour. They believe it’s being ejected from our galaxy after venturing too near the giant black hole at the Milky Way’s heart about 5 million years ago. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/black-hole-hurls-star-out-of-milky-way…

How to find a wormhole … if they exist

A team of physicists proposes that perturbations in the orbits of stars near supermassive black holes could be used to detect wormholes … if they exist. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/wormholes-how-to-find…

Not long ago, the center of our Milky Way galaxy exploded

Researchers have found evidence of a cataclysmic flare that punched outward in both directions from our galaxy’s center, reaching so far into intergalactic space that its impact was felt 200,000 light-years away. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/explosion-milky-way-center-seyfert-flare-magellanic-stream…

Milky Way’s black hole appears to be getting hungrier

“We have never seen anything like this in the 24 years we have studied the supermassive black hole. It’s usually a pretty quiet, wimpy black hole on a diet. We don’t know what is driving this big feast.” Source: https://earthsky.org/space/milky-ways-black-hole-appears-to-be-getting-hungrier…

Milky Way’s black hole just flared, growing 75 times as bright for a few hours

Even though the black hole at the center of the Milky Way is a monster, it’s still rather quiet. Called Sagittarius A*, it’s about 4.6 million times more massive than the sun. Usually, it’s a brooding behemoth. But scientists observing Sgr. A* with the Keck Telescope just observed its brightness blooming to over 75 times normal for a few hours. Source:…