Scientists Condemn Conspiracy Theories About Origin of Coronavirus Outbreak

hackingbear writes: A group of 27 prominent public health scientists from outside China, who have studied SARS-CoV-2 and “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife” just like many other viruses that have recently emerged in humans, is pushing back against a steady stream of stories and even a scientific paper suggesting a laboratory in Wuhan, China, may be the origin…

Global Health: Measles Outbreak Infects 695, Highest Number Since 2000

The outbreak, linked to skepticism about vaccines, has led to extraordinary measures, including $1,000 fines and bans on unvaccinated children in public. Source:…

Right, Left and Center React to the Mueller Report

Writers across the political spectrum responded to the public release of the Mueller report and the news conference by Attorney General William P. Barr. Source:…

In India, a Renewed Fight Against Leprosy

Health workers thought they had vanquished the disease in 2005. But it lived on, cloaked in stigma and medical mystery. Source:…

Tensions Rise as New York City Steps Up Response to Measles

An order to require immunizations in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community seemed to mobilize vaccine skeptics. Others worried that the effort did not address the root of the problem: misinformation. Source:…

Twitter Network Uses Fake Accounts to Promote Netanyahu, Israel Watchdog Finds

A network of hundreds of social media accounts, many of them fake, was used to smear opponents of the Israeli prime minister, investigators found. Source: