Cisco Outlines Silicon, Software Roadmap For Next Generation Internet

An anonymous reader writes: Cisco on Wednesday outlined new details behind its strategy to build next-generation internet technology. As a set up for what it dubs its ‘Internet for the Future’ strategy, the networking giant announced a multi-year plan for building and investing in 5G internet technology, including silicon, optics and software. On the silicon side, Cisco announced Silicon One, a…

Now Even the FBI is Warning About Your Smart TV’s Security

If you just bought a smart TV on Black Friday or plan to buy one for Cyber Monday tomorrow, the FBI wants you to know a few things. From a report: Smart TVs are like regular television sets but with an internet connection. With the advent and growth of Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services, most saw internet-connected televisions as a…

Some Colleges Are Using Students’ Smartphones To Track Their Locations on Campus

Lee Gardner, reporting for Chronicle: James Dragna had his work cut out for him when he became “graduation czar” at California State University at Sacramento, in 2016. The university’s four-year graduation rate sat at 9 percent. It hadn’t moved in about 30 years, he says. Like many student-success experts at public colleges these days, Dragna combed through academic data about students…

Hackers Looking Into Injecting Card Stealing Code on Routers, Rather Then Websites

Security researchers at IBM have found evidence that hackers have been working on creating malicious scripts they can deploy on commercial-grade “Layer 7” routers to steal payment card details. From a report: This discovery is a game-changer in what researchers call Magecart attacks, also known as web skimming. These are attacks where hackers plant malicious code on an online store that…

Sally Floyd, Who Helped Things Run Smoothly Online, Dies At 69

An anonymous Slashdot reader shares a report from The New York Times commemorating Sally Floyd, a computer scientist who recently passed away at the age of 69 from metastatic gall bladder cancer. “Dr. Floyd was best known as one of the inventors of Random Early Detection, or RED, an algorithm widely used in the internet,” reports The New York Times. “Though…

Huge Survey of Firmware Finds No Security Gains In 15 Years

A survey of more than 6,000 firmware images spanning more than a decade finds no improvement in firmware security and lax security standards for the software running connected devices by Linksys, Netgear and other major vendors. The Security Ledger reports: “Nobody is trying,” said Sarah Zatko, the Chief Scientist at the Cyber Independent Testing Lab (CITL), a non-profit organization that conducts…

Mozilla Debuts Implementation of WebThings Gateway Open Source Router Firmware

An anonymous reader shares a report: For the better part of two years, the folks at Mozilla have been diligently chipping away at Mozilla WebThings, an open implementation of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web of Things standard for monitoring and controlling connected devices. In April, it gained a number of powerful logging, alarm, and networking features, and this week,…

Frontier Refuses To Waive Router Rental Fee For Customer Who Brought His Own

Ever since Frontier bought Verizon’s Texas network in 2016, the company has been charging some customers a $10-per-month router rental fee even if they’re using their own router. Rich Son of Texas purchased Verizon’s FiOS Quantum Gateway router for $200 in order to avoid monthly rental fees. He said: “[the router] worked well for me until the takeover happened with Frontier…