See Boston Dynamics’ Robots Bust Freakishly Good Moves On the Dance Floor

MojoKid summarizes an article from Hot Hardware: Boston Dynamics made news recently when 80% of the company was acquired by Hyundai. The company’s family of robots is always impressive and now it appears they’re having some fun to celebrate the close of 2020. Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot and its humanoid-like Atlas bot friend, were joined by their oddball sibling Handle…

Is Now The Time to Make a Deal With Our Robot Overlords?

“If certain businesses — say, the next generation of meat plants — can’t reopen safely and profitably with humans, they can and should do so with robots,” argued a recent Bloomberg column titled “Let’s make a deal with our robot overlords.” [Alternate source] The column posits that right now some jobs “just aren’t good enough to protect.”
Until now, among the biggest…