Listen to the world’s loudest bird

Biologists report that the white bellbird, which lives in the mountains of the Amazon, has shattered the record for the world’s loudest bird. Source:…

Drought reveals a lost Spanish Stonehenge

Thanks to 2019’s record drought in Europe, a 7,000-year-old circle of 150 upright stones is back on dry land in western Spain, after 50 years underwater. Source:…

Open Offices Are a Capitalist Dead End

Strudelkugel shares an op-ed: What was We thinking? That’s the only question worth asking now about the clowncar start-up known as The We Company, the money-burning, co-working behemoth whose best-known brand is WeWork. What’s a WeWork? What WeWork works on is work. The We Company takes out long-term leases on in-demand office buildings in more than 100 cities across the globe…