Boston Globe Will Consider People’s Requests To Have Articles About Them Anonymized

The Boston Globe is starting a new program by which people who feel an article at the newspaper is harmful to their reputation can ask that it be updated or anonymized. From a report: It’s reminiscent of the E.U.’s “right to be forgotten,” though potentially less controversial, since it concerns only one editorial outlet and not a content-agnostic search engine. The…

France Passes New Law To Protect Child Influencers

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: France has introduced a new law to protect young social media stars. The legislation aims to regulate the hours under-16s can work online and what happens to their earnings. It also enshrines the right to be forgotten, meaning that platforms will be obliged to take down content on the child’s request. The…

Google Victory In German Top Court Over Right To Be Forgotten

Germany’s top court handed down its first ruling since the EU’s GDPR laws went into effect in mid-2018. The court “sided with Google and rejected requests to wipe entries from search results,” reports German public broadcaster DW (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader AmiMoJo): The cases hinged on whether the right to be forgotten outweighed the public’s right to…