Your Computer Isn’t Yours

Security researcher Jeffrey Paul, writes in a blog post: On modern versions of macOS, you simply can’t power on your computer, launch a text editor or eBook reader, and write or read, without a log of your activity being transmitted and stored. It turns out that in the current version of the macOS, the OS sends to Apple a hash (unique…

The FSF Is Looking To Update Its High Priority Free Software Projects List

AmiMoJo writes: As we roll into 2021 the Free Software Foundation is looking to update its high priority free software projects list. These are the software projects that should be incorporating “the most important threats, and most critical opportunities, that free software faces in the modern computing landscape.” For now the FSF is looking for help deciding what to include. The…

Twitter Is Building ‘Birdwatch,’ a System To Fight Misinformation By Adding More Context To Tweets

Twitter is developing a new product called “Birdwatch,” which the company confirms is an attempt at addressing misinformation across its platform by providing more context for tweets, in the form of notes. TechCrunch reports: Tweets can be added to “Birdwatch” — meaning flagged for moderation — from the tweet’s drop-down menu, where other blocking and reporting tools are found today. A…

Bridgefy, the Messenger Promoted For Mass Protests, Is a Privacy Disaster

Bridgefy, a popular messaging app for conversing with one another when internet connections are heavily congested or completely shut down, is a privacy disaster that can allow moderately-skilled hackers to take a host of nefarious actions against users, according to a paper published on Monday. The findings come after the company has for months touted the app as a safe and…

How Ken’s using Guided Projects to continue building in-demand career skills

Meet Ken, a workforce management specialist and instructor who’s learning on Coursera while living in Ireland. In a recent interview, he spoke with us about how he’s using Guided Projects—Coursera’s new short, hands-on learning experiences—to continue building relevant career skills.   Ken, thank you for taking the chance to talk with us! Can you start by […]
The post How Ken’s using Guided…

Dashcam Flaw Allows Anyone To Track Drivers In Real-Time Across the US

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: BlackVue is a dashcam company with its own social network. With a small, internet-connected dashcam installed inside their vehicle, BlackVue users can receive alerts when their camera detects an unusual event such as someone colliding with their parked car. Customers can also allow others to tune into their camera’s feed, letting others “vicariously…