Astronomers find evidence planets start to form while infant stars are still growing

Astronomers have found compelling evidence that planets start to form while infant stars are still growing. The high-resolution image obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) shows a young proto-stellar disk with multiple gaps and rings of dust. This new result, just published in Nature, shows the youngest and most detailed example of dust rings acting as cosmic cradles, where…

Someone Bought a T. Rex Skeleton for a Record-Breaking $31.8 Million

The remains of a Tyrannosaurus rex that lived some 67 million years ago have been sold at auction for $31.8 million, a world record for a fossilized dinosaur. From a report: The near-complete T. rex skeleton, named “Stan,” now belongs to an anonymous buyer who secured the milestone bid at the “20th Century Evening Sale” held Tuesday at Christie’s in New…

Billion-year-old Martian dunes reveal planet’s history

The discovery of near-perfectly preserved billion-year-old Martian dunes is helping scientists to unravel the geologic and climatic history of the red planet. Source:…

The colorful walls of an exposed impact crater on Mars

Impact craters have been called the “poor geologists’ drill,” since they allow scientists to look beneath to the subsurface of a planet without actually digging down. It’s estimated that Mars has over 600,000 craters, so there’s plenty of opportunity to peer into the red planet’s strata—especially with the incredible HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter,…

Xbox’s Phil Spencer Isn’t Sure 8K Will Ever Be Standard in Video Games

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has said that he isn’t sure if 8K resolution will ever be standard for video games, calling it “aspirational technology.” From a report: Talking to Wired, Spencer said,” I think 8K is aspirational technology. The display capabilities of devices are not really there yet. I think we’re years away from 8K being — if it ever is…

Nvidia Says Its AI Can Fix Some of the Biggest Problems in Video Calls

Nvidia has announced a new videoconferencing platform for developers named Nvidia Maxine that it claims can fix some of the most common problems in video calls. From a report: Maxine will process calls in the cloud using Nvidia’s GPUs and boost call quality in a number of ways with the help of artificial intelligence. Using AI, Maxine can realign callers’ faces…

Scientists use AI to find tiny craters on Mars

All these years, NASA scientists have laboriously sifted through spacecraft images, to identify and classify markings on Mars. Now they’re using a new “classifier,” powered by artificial intelligence. What takes a human 40 minutes takes the AI tool an average of just 5 seconds. Source:…

Microsoft Office 365 Experienced Two Major Outages Within 3 Days

On Monday long-time Slashdot reader TorinEdge wrote that Microsoft “appears to have botched an internal Office365 cloud services rollout today, with outages confirmed up and down the West Coast of North America. Confirmed roll backs were good early omens, but in the end did not appear to be successful… Symptoms may include: All 365-related services flaking out, borking, alternately approving logins…

YouTubers Are Upscaling the Past To 4K. Historians Want Them To Stop

YouTubers are using AI to bring history to life. But historians argue the process is nonsense. From a report: The first time you see Denis Shiryaev’s videos, they feel pretty miraculous. You can walk through New York as it was in 1911, or ride on Wuppertal’s flying train at the turn of the 20th century, or witness the birth of the…

New detector breakthrough pushes boundaries of quantum computing

Physicists at Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Center of Finland have developed a new detector for measuring energy quanta at unprecedented resolution. This discovery could help bring quantum computing out of the laboratory and into real-world applications. The results have been published today in Nature. …