Researchers 3D-Print Heart From Human Patient’s Cells

Researchers have 3D-printed a heart using a patient’s cells, providing hope that the technique could be used to heal hearts or engineer new ones for transplants. “This is the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart replete with cells, blood vessels, ventricles and chambers,” Professor Tal Dvir of Tel Aviv University’s School of Molecular Cell…

Mysterious Demon Gators and Crocodilian Cryptids of North America

Throughout the world are countless cases of unidentified, out of place, or just plain weird mystery creatures, commonly called cryptids. Ranging from lake monsters like Nessie to the likes of Bigfoot, they are the denizens of the wilds beyond our understanding, evading classification. Among these mystery monsters are the various strange creatures that seem to… Continue reading Mysterious Demon Gators and Crocodilian Cryptids of North America

Trilobites: You Need Vitamin D to Live. How Could This Woman Survive With None in Her Blood?

She had a series of bone fractures, but when doctors did blood tests, the supplements she took for treatment were nowhere to be found. Source:…

Immune Cells May Play a Role In Causing Cavities

Researchers at the University of Toronto have found that cavities may be collateral damage from an overzealous immune system. New Atlas reports: Traditionally, bacteria have taken most of the blame for cavities and tooth decay. The bugs cling to your teeth as plaque and produce acid as waste, which dissolves tooth enamel, dentin and even filling material. But the new…

The Constitution’s “natural-born” defect

All American citizens should be able to become president. Previous essays in this series have addressed fundamental flaws in the Constitution: the ill-defined nature of presidential powers, the malapportionment of the Senate, the Electoral College. But I wish to draw my readers’ attention to a less central, but still important defect: the requirement, stated in… Continue reading The Constitution’s “natural-born” defect

Toxic Aluminum in Vaccines

Jon Rappport – There is a science library of studies referring to toxic aluminum in vaccines. Source:…

Transforming a Thai Temple Garden into Abstract Art

A Thai artist’s installation at a historic site creates a physical space for our inner world.
The post Transforming a Thai Temple Garden into Abstract Art appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

Melting Glaciers Could Unleash Nuclear Fallout Trapped Within the Ice

An international research project found that high concentrations of radioactive material in glaciers around the world could be exposed due to climate change. Source:…

Gene-Edited Babies: What a Chinese Scientist Told an American Mentor

Stanford is investigating Stephen Quake’s interactions with He Jiankui, the scientist who performed the controversial experiment. Source:…