DNC and RNC Warn Campaigns About Using TikTok

The Democratic and Republican national committees have warned their staffs about using the Chinese-owned app TikTok. From a report: The Democratic National Committee warned Democratic campaigns, committees and state parties Friday to take additional security precautions when using TikTok. In the email, the DNC security team wrote, “We continue to advise campaign staff to refrain from using TikTok on personal devices….

Mike Bloomberg Is Plowing Millions of Dollars Into a Secretive Tech Firm Called Hawkfish

As a way to help his 2020 presidential bid, presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is pouring tens of millions of dollars into an unknown digital business called Hawkfish — which Bloomberg himself founded during the spring. CNBC reports: Hawkfish will be the “primary digital agency and technology services provider for the campaign,” Julie Wood, a Bloomberg campaign spokeswoman, told CNBC. She added…

A New Bill Aims To Protect US Voters From the Next Cambridge Analytica

As the 2020 campaign season accelerates, a US lawmaker introduced a bill on Thursday that would regulate how political parties use voters’ data in federal elections. rrconan writes: Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein said the bill, the Voter Privacy Act, is the first to directly respond to Cambridge Analytica, which used Facebook to harvest the data of 87 million voters, often without…

Trump’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Almost Complete

The Trump campaign has helped install allies atop the most significant state parties, and has urged them to discourage conservative criticism of the president. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/03/us/politics/trump-republican-party.html?partner=rss&emc=rss