7 Effective Soil And Water Conservation Tips For Homesteading

What soil and water conservation measures do you apply to your daily life? Learning how to properly manage these resources is a very important skill to have especially now that we’re facing a health crisis. After all, your goal should be to live sustainably. And you can’t do so if your household expends too many…Continue Reading
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Method to synthesize high-quality copper oxide crystals for quantum photonics

Copper oxidation generally means tarnished surfaces and corroded electronics. But the compound Cu2O, or cuprous oxide, is a promising material for quantum photonics, optoelectronics and renewable energy technologies. Now, a team of researchers has found a way to synthesize high-quality copper oxide microcrystals. …

Redox-Flow Cell Stores Renewable Energy As Hydrogen

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: Hydrogen is a very good carrier for this type of work,” says Wei Wang, who is the chief scientist for stationary energy storage research at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington. It’s an efficient energy carrier, and can be easily stored in pressurized tanks. When needed, the gas can then be…

Are Decentralized Renewable Microgrids ‘The Power Plant of the Future’?

Long-time Slashdot reader joemite shared Wired’s report about a small town of Basalt Vista, Colorado, where homeowners like Katela Escobar are testing highly scaleable “advanced power grid technologies that could turn every home into an appendage of a decentralized power plant.” Basalt Vista is designed to be an all-electric community that produces as much power as it uses. Each home comes…

Oil Companies Are Collapsing, but Wind and Solar Energy Keep Growing

A few years ago, the kind of double-digit drop in oil and gas prices the world is experiencing now because of the coronavirus pandemic might have increased the use of fossil fuels and hurt renewable energy sources like wind and solar farms. That is not happening. From a report: In fact, renewable energy sources are set to account for nearly 21…

New Renewable Energy Capacity Hit Record Levels In 2019

According to data from the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena), solar, wind and other green technologies now provide more than one-third of the world’s power, marking another record. The Guardian reports: Fossil fuel power plants are in decline in Europe and the U.S., with more decommissioned than built in 2019. But the number of coal and gas plants grew in Asia,…

Virginia Is the First Southern State With a 100 Percent Carbon-Free Electricity Goal

An anonymous reader shares a report: Virginia has become the first among the Southern US states to take on a goal for 100 percent carbon-free electricity. State governor Ralph Northam, an Army veteran and pediatric neurologist, issued Executive Order 43. The executive order detailed the state’s plans to reach a zero CO2 energy goal by 2050. In September 2019, Northam also…

Graphene Solar Thermal Film Could Be a New Way To Harvest Renewable Energy

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: Researchers at the Center for Translational Atomaterials (CTAM) at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, have developed a new graphene-based film that can absorb sunlight with an efficiency of over 90 percent, while simultaneously eliminating most IR thermal emission loss — the first time such a feat has been reported. The…

Producing solar power at night

Scientists have developed a new prototype of nighttime solar cells that can produce electricity at night through a radiative cooling mechanism. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/solar-power-photovoltaic-production-at-night…

South Sudan Is Building Its Electric Grid Virtually From Scratch

After years of civil war, South Sudan is beginning to build the nation’s electric sector from the ground up. “With only a handful of oil-fired power plants and crumbling poles and wires in place, the country is striving for a system that runs primarily on renewable energy and reaches more homes and businesses,” reports IEEE Spectrum. From the report: Today, only…