Moon and Venus adorn the morning September 13 to 15

On the mornings of September 13, 14 and 15, 2020, look for the waning crescent moon and the dazzling planet Venus in the eastern sky before sunrise. Source:…

Sun and Regulus in conjunction August 23

Today – August 23, 2020 – the sun is in conjunction with Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. Source:…

Watch the moon shed its shadow

Because the moon moves eastward (away from the setting sun) at the rate of about 13 degrees per day, watch for the young moon to shed its shadow as it waxes (increases) in age. Source:…

Moon sweeps through Leo July 25 and 26

Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion.  The moon can help you find it at nigtfall June 24 and 25, 2020. Source:…

Meet Regulus, the Lion’s Heart

The bright star Regulus is very prominent in the evening sky in May. It looks like a single point of light, but is really 4 stars. It’s the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. Source:…

Don’t miss Venus and the Pleiades around April 3

Watch for the close pairing of the brightest planet, Venus, with the little dipper-shaped Pleiades star cluster. Their conjunction is April 3, but any evening around then will be lovely! Source:…

Cancer? Here’s your constellation

Here’s how to find the constellation Cancer in your sky. Plus Cancer’s place in sky history, lore and science. Source:…

Moon and Regulus on March 7 and 8

Seen from around the world on the nights of March 7 and 8, the moon is moving through the constellation Leo the Lion, past the bright star Regulus, the Lion’s Heart. Source:…

Moon and faint Cancer on March 6

The constellation Cancer the Crab is faint, the faintest constellation of the zodiac. Yet the bright moon on March 17, 2019 can help you locate it. Source:…

The Beehive: 1,000 stars in Cancer

On a dark night, look for it as a smudge of light, with 3 times the moon’s diameter. It’s really a wondrous cluster of stars called the Beehive, or M44. Source:…