Clash and Byte, Two of TikTok’s Competitors, Are Merging

Yesterday, Clash announced it was acquiring Byte, a short-form video app launched by Vine cofounder Dom Hofmann. The announcement comes “at a time when TikTok itself now appears to be here to stay,” reports CNN. From the report: Dubsmash, another TikTok competitor with a similar algorithmic feed serving up entertaining videos, was acquired last month by Reddit. Meanwhile, Adam Mosseri, the…

Instagram Lead Says He’s Not Happy With Reels Yet, Might ‘Consolidate’ Video Formats

In an interview with The Verge’s Decoder podcast, the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, says he’s “not yet happy” with the platform’s TikTok competitor Reels. The Verge reports: “I’m not yet happy with it,” he says. “We’re growing both in terms of how much people are sharing and how much people are consuming, but we have a long way to go….

Social Media Companies All Starting To Look the Same

Snapchat on Monday launched Spotlight, a video tab within its app that, like TikTok, distributes videos based more on how popular they are than on who created them. Facebook in August launched its TikTok competitor, called Reels. From a report: Snapchat’s news comes days after Twitter said it would be adding “Fleets,” which are basically Snapchat stories for people who tweet….

In India, Engineers and MBAs Are Turning To Manual Labor To Survive the Economic Crash

As India’s economy reels in the aftermath of one of the world’s strictest lockdowns, a rural employment program has emerged as a lifeline for some of the tens of millions left jobless. From a report: The government program — which aims to guarantee 100 days of unskilled work in rural areas — was intended to combat poverty and reduce the volatility…

Microsoft, Energy Department To Develop Disaster-Response AI Tools

The U.S. Department of Energy and Microsoft on Tuesday announced a partnership to develop artificial-intelligence tools aimed at helping first-responders better react to fast-changing natural events, such as floods and wildfires. From a report: “There are just so many technologies where we can solve some of the toughest problems, in a moment where we’re having an explosion of wildfires and floods…