Citigroup Tech Executive Unmasked as Major QAnon ‘High Priest’

QAnon’s biggest news hub was run by a senior vice president at Citigroup, the American multinational investment bank and financial services company Citigroup. Jason Gelinas worked in the company’s technology department, where he led an AI project and oversaw a team of software developers, according to Bloomberg. [Alternate URL] He was married with kids and had a comfortable house in a…

Drone Drops Hundreds of Marijuana Bags On Tel Aviv

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: A drone over Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square dropped hundreds of bags of weed on Thursday, setting off a mad scramble by onlookers to stock up, the Jerusalem Post reported. According to the Post, the giveaway was orchestrated by a Telegram group called Green Drone that advocates for the legalization of marijuana throughout Israel. (Medical marijuana is…

NYC Will Close Public Roads To Traffic To Create More Recreational Space

New York City mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Monday the city will close 40 miles worth of streets near parks to give residents a lot more room to get out of their homes. CNET reports: The eventual goal is to open 100 miles of public roads for residents to bike, walk, jog and more while spreading groups of people out….

Washington State and San Francisco Are Banning Large Gatherings As Coronavirus Spreads

Washington state and San Francisco are banning large gatherings to help reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus. The bans are a way to create social distancing, which may help people avoid coming into contact with others who might be sick. The Verge reports: Gatherings of more than 250 people in the Seattle area are prohibited through the end of March,…

What Happens After 550 Times the Usual Dose of LSD?

“From the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs comes three case studies on people who benefited from LSD overdoses including one woman who took a dose of 55 milligrams of pure powdered LSD,” writes clovis (Slashdot reader #4,684). CNN reports:
The 49-year-old woman, known as CB, had contracted Lyme disease in her early 20s, which damaged her feet and ankles and…

From alcohol to ketamine, what’s the truth about recreational drugs?

Psychologist Suzi Gage is on a mission to uncover the truth and bust misconceptions about the drugs people take, and in the process find out the science behind them Source:…