The World’s Fastest Supercomputers Hit Higher Speeds Than Ever With Linux

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: In the latest Top 500 supercomputer ratings, the average speed of these Linux-powered racers is now an astonishing 1.14 petaflops. The fastest of the fast machines haven’t changed since the June 2019 Top 500 supercomputer list. Leading the way is Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Summit system, which holds top honors with an HPL…

Consumer Reports Restores ‘Recommended’ Ratings to Both Tesla’s Model 3 and Model S

“Consumer Reports has restored its coveted ‘recommended’ rating to the Tesla Model S and Model 3, because Tesla has made its cars more reliable,” reports CNN: “The Tesla Model 3 struggled last year as the company made frequent design changes and ramped up production to meet demand,” said Jake Fisher, senior director of auto testing at CR. “But as the production…

Tesla Owners Say Autopilot Makes Them Feel Safer

“Bloomberg has conducted a survey of Tesla Model 3 owners,” writes Slashdot reader Thelasko. “Some of the most interesting data are responses to questions about Autopilot.” Here’s an excerpt from the report: We asked 5,000 Model 3 owners about their experience with the electric sedan that Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk says will lead the world into a new era…

Apple App Store Bug Reportedly Erases Over 20 Million App Ratings In a Week

A bug in Apple’s App Store removed more than 20 million ratings from apps both big and small. “The issue began on October 23, 2019 and wasn’t resolved until yesterday, October 29,” reports TechCrunch. “Apple hasn’t yet explained how such a sizable and impactful change to app ratings occurred.” From the report: This massive ratings drop was spotted by the mobile…