Sustained planetwide storms may have filled lakes, rivers on ancient Mars

A new study from The University of Texas at Austin is helping scientists piece together the ancient climate of Mars by revealing how much rainfall and snowmelt filled its lake beds and river valleys 3.5 billion to 4 billion years ago. Source:…

2019 State of the Climate Report: Peak greenhouse gases and record heat

2019 ranks among the 3 warmest years in records dating to the mid-1800s. In 2019, greenhouse gases reached their highest levels on record. Both facts are from the 30th annual State of the Climate report, a review of world climate based on contributions from more than 520 scientists in over 60 countries. Source:…

Tesla’s Touchscreen Wiper Controls Ruled Illegal In Germany

New submitter Rei_is_a_dumbass shares a report from Electrek: Tesla’s wiper controls through its touchscreen have been ruled illegal in Germany after someone crashed their Model 3 while using them and fought a fine and driving ban through the court system. A Tesla Model 3 driver got into an accident while using the touchscreen to adjust the speed of the automatic windshield…

Locust Swarms Are Getting So Big That We Need Radar To Track Them

The desert locust upsurge is yet another of 2020’s horrors. From a report: In June, remote sensing analyst Raj Bhagat noticed a strange signal on India’s weather radar. It looked like a small band of rain near Delhi, moving southwest, but Bhagat was convinced it was a locust swarm. “People began to report it,” he says, referring to sightings on the…

What is a derecho? An atmospheric scientist explains these rare but dangerous storm systems

The derecho in the U.S. East on June 3, 2020, killed 4 people and left a million without power. A Colorado derecho on June 6 had winds in excess of 100 mph. Europe, Asia and South America also have derechos. Here’s what scientists know about them. Source:…

What’s The Best Time To Water Plants During Summer Time

Do you struggle with overwatering or underwatering? You might not be following the correct watering schedule. Here’s what gardeners need to know about the best time to water plants during the summer! RELATED: Summer Gardening Tips For Your Survival Garden Facts You Should Know on the Best Time to Water Plants During Summer Best Watering…Continue Reading
The post What’s The Best Time…

Plastic Rain In Protected Areas of the United States

Writing today in the journal Science, researchers report a startling discovery: After collecting rainwater and air samples for 14 months, they calculated that over 1,000 metric tons of microplastic particles fall into 11 protected areas in the western U.S. each year. That’s the equivalent of over 120 million plastic water bottles. Wired: To quantify just how bad the problem has become…

Global warming is making hurricanes stronger

As Earth gets warmer, hurricanes are expected to get stronger. A study of 40 years of satellite data suggests it’s already happening. Source:…

Can Nuclear Fallout Make It Rain?

sciencehabit writes:
Radioactive fallout is rarely a good thing. But new research suggests charged particles emitted from Cold War-era nuclear tests may have boosted rainfall thousands of kilometers away from the testing sites, by triggering electrical charges in the air that caused water droplets to coalesce. The United States, Soviet Union, and other nations often tested nuclear weapons above ground in the…