Evil Swamp Demons of Slavic Lore

Throughout the world there have always been legends and lore associated with the dim wilds of our landscape. Dark and forbidding, swamps in particular have attracted such tales since time unremembered, and it seems as if every such murky wetland has its share of spooky lore orbiting it. This is especially prevalent in Slavic cultures,… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/evil-swamp-demons-of-slavic-lore/…

At a town hall, Elizabeth Warren had to explain why a woman is electable. Twice.

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/22/18511866/cnn-townhall-elizabeth-warren-hillary-clinton-trump…

The Supreme Court just took up a set of very big cases on LGBTQ rights

Source: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/22/18510894/supreme-court-gay-transgender-lgbtq-rights…

Scientists Create ‘Living’ Machines That Eat, Grow, and Evolve

elainerd (Slashdot reader #94,528) shares an article from The Next Web:
Scientists from Cornell University have successfully constructed DNA-based machines with incredibly life-like capabilities. These human-engineered organic machines are capable of locomotion, consuming resources for energy, growing and decaying, and evolving. Eventually they die. That sure sounds a lot like life, but Dan Luo, professor of biological and environmental engineering in the…

Curious Tales of Mysterious Scottish Water Spirits

When people think of Scotland and strange things in the water, they are likely going to envision the famous Loch Ness Monster of Loch Ness. This is the common image of strange aquatic anomalies in the country, and it has been a mainstay of the world of the paranormal for a very long time. Yet,… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/curious-tales-of-mysterious-scottish-water-spirits/…

A comedian just became Ukraine’s next president

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/21/18507822/volodymyr-zelensky-ukraine-president-comedian…

7 things we’ve learned about Earth since the last Earth Day

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/21/18223816/earth-day-2019-climate-change-plastic-extinction…

The Quest To Save the Banana From Extinction

Panama disease, an infection that ravages banana plants, has been sweeping across Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa. The impact has been devastating. From a report: In the Philippines alone, losses have totalled US$400m. And the disease threatens not only the livelihoods of everyone in this US$44 billion industry but also the 400m people in developing countries who depend on…

Some AI just shouldn’t exist

Source: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/4/19/18412674/ai-bias-facial-recognition-black-gay-transgender…

Bad Bots Now Make Up 20 Percent of Web Traffic

So-called “bad bots,” tasked with performing denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or other malicious activities like automatically publishing fake content or reviews, are estimated to make up roughly 37.9 percent of all internet traffic. “In 2018, one in five website requests — 20.4 percent — of traffic was generated by bad bots alone,” reports ZDNet, citing Distil Networks’ latest bot report, “Bad Bot…