Jamaica’s JamCOVID Pulled Offline After Third Security Lapse Exposed Travelers’ Data

Jamaica’s JamCOVID app and website were taken offline late on Thursday following a third security lapse, which exposed quarantine orders on more than half a million travelers to the island. From a report: JamCOVID was set up last year to help the government process travelers arriving on the island. Quarantine orders are issued by the Jamaican Ministry of Health and instruct…

England’s quarantine hotels won’t stop spread of coronavirus variants

UK health secretary Matt Hancock ignores government science advice for mandatory quarantine of all visitors, making it unlikely that measures will stop the spread of new variants Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2267688-englands-quarantine-hotels-wont-stop-spread-of-coronavirus-variants/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Netflix Is Finally Adding a Streaming Roulette Feature As It Clinches 200 Million Subscribers

Netflix has officially amassed 200 million subscribers, sending shares soaring 12%. As it continues to compete with rival services, Netflix says it’s preparing to roll out a new feature that will allow the service to pick a title based on a user’s preferences rather than requiring them to browse for something to watch. Gizmodo reports: Netflix said in its fourth-quarter shareholders…

The Impractical but Indisputable Rise of Retrocomputing

For all the personal technology introduced and popularized in 2020 — upscale fitness bikes, at-home Covid tests, game consoles new and old — the personal computer lands on the list with a bit of a thud. PCs lack the novelty of other gadgets, but they’re practical, essential even, in a year when work, school and social life have come to rely…

Australia clamps down in response to cases of UK coronavirus variant

Australian authorities have responded to the first case of the UK coronavirus variant escaping quarantine hotels with a swift lockdown and additional measures in a bid to prevent an outbreak Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2264588-australia-clamps-down-in-response-to-cases-of-uk-coronavirus-variant/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

WHO-led Team Expected in China in January To Probe COVID-19 Origins

An international mission led by the World Health Organization (WHO) is expected to go to China in the first week of January to
investigate the origins of the virus that sparked the COVID-19 pandemic, a member and diplomats told Reuters this week. From a report: The United States, which has accused China of having hidden the outbreak’s extent, has called for a…

Epidemiologist explains CDC guidance on 15 minutes of exposure

New guidance from the CDC says that 15 minutes of exposure – regardless of whether that occurs at one time – can result in transmission of the coronavirus. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/epidemiologist-explains-cdc-guidance-15-minutes-covid19-exposure…

The Digital Nomads Did Not Prepare for This

They moved to exotic locales to work through the pandemic in style. But now tax trouble, breakups and Covid guilt are setting in. From a report: For a certain kind of worker, the pandemic presented a rupture in the space-time-career continuum. Many Americans were stuck, tied down by children or lost income or obligations to take care of the sick. But…