First measurement of single-proton interactions with the MicroBooNE detector

Neutrinos are as mysterious as they are ubiquitous. One of the most abundant particles in the universe, they pass through most matter unnoticed. Their masses are so tiny that so far no experiment has succeeded in measuring them, while they travel at nearly the speed of light. …

For the First Time Scientists Detect Neutrinos Traced To CNO Cycle Inside the Sun

NBC News calls it “the ghostly signal that reveals the engine of the universe.” Long-time Slashdot reader fahrbot-bot shares their report: In research published Wednesday in the journal Nature, scientists reported that they’ve made the first detection of almost-ethereal particles called neutrinos that can be traced to carbon-nitrogen-oxygen fusion, known as the CNO cycle, inside the sun. It’s a landmark finding…

Unprecedented accuracy in quantum electrodynamics: Giant leap toward solving proton charge radius puzzle

Physicists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have tested quantum mechanics to a completely new level of precision using hydrogen spectroscopy, and in doing so they came much closer to solving the well-known proton charge radius puzzle. …

The International Space Station is 20 and going strong

20 years ago, three astronauts stepped aboard the ISS. It’s since hosted residents from many countries, creating humanity’s first history of living in space. Source:…

Eric S. Raymond: Is Microsoft Switching To a Linux Kernel That Emulates Windows?

Most of Microsoft’s money now comes from its cloud service Azure, points out open-source advocate Eric S. Raymond. Now he posits a future where Windows development will “inevitably” become a drag on Microsoft’s business: So, you’re a Microsoft corporate strategist. What’s the profit-maximizing path forward given all these factors? It’s this: Microsoft Windows becomes a Proton-like emulation layer over a Linux…

CERN’s Powerful New Linear Accelerator Fires Up Ahead of LHC Upgrade

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NewAtlas: After an almost two-year shutdown for repairs and upgrades, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is beginning to fire back up for its next phase of probing the mysteries of physics. Its newest particle accelerator, Linac 4, completed its first test run over the past few weeks, with the potential to provide much more…

Researchers track slowly splitting ‘dent’ in Earth’s magnetic field

A small but evolving dent in Earth’s magnetic field can cause big headaches for satellites. Source:…

CNO Neutrinos From the Sun Are Finally Detected

An anonymous reader quotes a report from SyFy: For the first time, scientists have detected neutrinos coming from the Sun’s core that got their start via the CNO process, an until-now theorized type of stellar nuclear fusion. […] The Borexino neutrino observatory is 1400 meters under the rock below the Gran Sasso mountain in Italy. It has an 8.5 meter wide…

NASA Researchers Demonstrate the Ability To Fuse Atoms Inside Room-Temperature Metals

Researchers at NASA’s Glenn Research Center have now demonstrated a method of inducing nuclear fusion without building a massive stellarator or tokamak. In fact, all they needed was a bit of metal, some hydrogen, and an electron accelerator. IEEE Spectrum reports: The team believes that their method, called lattice confinement fusion, could be a potential new power source for deep space…