Last Fall a Drone Swarm Surveilled America’s Largest Nuclear Reactor — Twice

America’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission honored a document request from a UFO group — which has inadvertently revealed a very real incident last fall at America’s largest nuclear reactor in Arizona, reports Forbes: Documents gained under the Freedom of Information Act show how a number of small drones flew around a restricted area at Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant on two successive…

Could ice sheets, not rivers, have formed the channels on Mars?

New research suggests that many of Mars’ ancient channels, thought to have been carved by flowing surface water, were formed instead by meltwater beneath glacial ice sheets. Source:…

Germany Plans To Dim Lights At Night To Save Insects

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MSN: In a draft law seen by AFP, the country’s environment ministry has drawn up a number of new measures to protect insects, ranging from partially outlawing spotlights to increased protection of natural habitats. “Insects play an important role in the ecosystem…but in Germany, their numbers and their diversity has severely declined in recent…

Pre-Clinical Test of Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Shows It Protected Monkeys from Covid-19

“Johnson & Johnson’s experimental coronavirus vaccine protected macaque monkeys with a single shot in a pre-clinical study, potentially gaining on other vaccines that are further along in testing but require two doses over time,” reports Bloomberg:
Five of six primates exposed to the pandemic-causing pathogen were immune after a single injection. The exception showed low levels of the virus, according to a…

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Shows Promising Result In Animal Tests

Moderna’s vaccine candidate against Covid-19 protected against the virus in a trial that inoculated 16 monkeys, an encouraging step on the path to a defense for humans against the pandemic. Bloomberg reports: Two injections of the vaccine protected against heavy exposure to the virus at two different levels of dosage, Moderna said in findings published Tuesday in the New England Journal…

Trump’s Plan To Regulate Social Media

Esther Schindler writes: A 55-page proposal to make the FCC rewrite a law through administrative rulemaking would threaten small social sites and generate vast amounts of new business for trial lawyers. Expect some of the people who denounced net-neutrality regulations to cheer it on. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) would have the FCC rewrite Section 230 of the Communications…

‘Meow’ Attack Has Now Wiped Nearly 4,000 Databases

On Thursday long-time Slashdot reader PuceBaboon wrote: Ars Technica is reporting a new attack on unprotected databases which, to date, has deleted all content from over 1,000 ElasticSearch and MongoDB databases across the ‘net, leaving the calling-card “meow” in its place. Most people are likely to find this a lot less amusing than a kitty video, so if you have a…

What Happened When Microsoft Analyzed Its Own Remote Work Patterns?

Harvard Business Review just published a new analysis by the director of Microsoft’s Workplace Analytics team, a director on Microsoft’s workplace intelligence team, and the editor of Microsoft Workplace Insights. “Four months ago we realized that our company, like so many others, was undergoing an immediate and unplanned shift to remote work…” “So, we launched an experiment to measure how the…

Tech Firms Like Facebook Must Restrict Data Sent From EU To US, Court Rules

The European Court of Justice has ruled that the “Privacy Shield” data transfer agreement, which had allowed tech companies to transfer EU user data to the US, failed to adequately protect Europeans’ data from US surveillance and security laws and was therefore invalid. What this means is companies like Facebook “could be prevented from sending data back to the US,” reports…

NASA directive will protect us from alien bugs

A new NASA Interim Directive (NID) aims to ensure that Earth is protected from extraterrestrial contamination. As if the coronavirus pandemic wasn’t e… Source:…