US Court Shields Internet Subscribers From Futile Piracy Complaints

A New Jersey district court has issued a devastating order against Strike 3 Holdings, the most active filer of piracy lawsuits in the US. In four separate cases, the court denied a request to obtain identities of alleged BitTorrent pirates. The court argues that the underlying complaints are futile. Even if they held up, other issues such as the privacy of…

Protected: DESI’s 5000 eyes open as Kitt Peak Telescope prepares to map space and time

A new instrument on the 4-m Mayall telescope has opened its array of thousands of fiber-optic “eyes” to the cosmos and successfully captured the light from distant galaxies. The milestone marks the beginning of final testing for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which is poised to begin creating the most detailed map of the Universe ever undertaken. The Mayall telescope…

Elizabeth Warren Mocks Facebook’s Ad Policy By Lying About Mark Zuckerberg

“A fresh series of Facebook ads this week by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren seeks to put the social media giant on the defensive — by telling a lie,” writes CNN. An anonymous reader quotes their report:
The ads, which began running widely on Thursday, start with a bold but obvious falsehood: That Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg have endorsed…

Attackers Exploit New 0-day Vulnerability Giving Full Control of Android Phones

“Attackers are exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Google’s Android mobile operating system that can give them full control of at least 18 different phone models,” reports Ars Technica, “including four different Pixel models, a member of Google’s Project Zero research group said on Thursday night.” The post also says there’s evidence the vulnerability is being actively exploited. An anonymous reader quotes…

macOS Systems Can Be Abused In DDoS Attacks

An anonymous reader writes: “DDoS-for-hire services, also known as DDoS booters, or DDoS stressors, are abusing macOS systems to launch DDoS attacks,” reports ZDNet. “These attacks are leveraging macOS systems where the Apple Remote Desktop feature has been enabled, and the computer is accessible from the internet, without being located inside a local network, or protected by a firewall. More specifically,…

Motorola, Known For Cellphones, is Fast Becoming a Major Player in Government Surveillance

Jon Schuppe, reporting for NBC News: The surveillance tools have been installed in schools and public housing, deployed on roads and public transit, and worn by police officers. They’ve been developed by an array of technology firms competing for government business. And many are now owned by a company seeking to grab a bigger piece of a booming market. Motorola, a…

Firefox Promises UK Government DNS-Over-HTTPS Won’t Be Default in UK

“Despite looking to make DNS-over-HTTPS the default for its American users, Mozilla has assured culture secretary Nicky Morgan that this won’t be the case in the UK,” reports Gizmodo: DNS-over-HTTPS has been fairly controversial, with the Internet Services Providers Association nominating Mozilla for an ‘Internet Villain’ over the whole thing, saying it will “bypass UK filtering obligations and parental controls, undermining…

Google Employees Explain How They Were Retaliated Against For Reporting Abuse

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: Sexual harassment, gaslighting, broken promises of promotion, gender-based discrimination, and racism. Motherboard has obtained a document written by 45 different Google employees alleging they’ve experienced of all the above. The document lays bare how working at Google — a company whose motto was once “don’t be evil” — has become really hard for…