Most of the Largest US Voting Districts Are Vulnerable To Email Spoofing

Researchers at Valimail found that only 5% of the largest voting counties in the U.S. are protected against email impersonation and phishing attacks. TechCrunch reports: Researchers at Valimail, which has a commercial stake in the email security space, looked at the largest three electoral districts in each U.S. state, and found only 10 out of 187 domains were protected with DMARC,…

How does the solar wind affect Earth?

Why should we care about the new findings – released this week – from NASA’s Parker Solar Probe? This new NASA video explains the solar wind – a stream of charged particles from the sun – affects earthly astronauts and technologies. Source:…

Mozilla’s Annual Buyer’s Guide Rates Amazon and Google Security Cameras ‘Very Creepy’

“Be Smart. Shop Safe,” warns Mozilla’s annual buyer’s guide for secure connected products. Based on their conversations with developers and dozens of privacy experts, they’ve awarded smiley faces with different expressions to rate products from “Not Creepy” up to “Super Creepy”. “While the variety of smart devices on offer is rapidly increasing, so are the number of products that pay no…

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Police Can’t Force You To Tell Them Your Password

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Electronic Frontier Foundation: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a forceful opinion today holding that the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects individuals from being forced to disclose the passcode to their devices to the police. In a 4-3 decision in Commonwealth v. Davis, the court found that disclosing a password is “testimony”…

Researchers Warn That Your Political Ideology May Affect Job Offers

dcblogs writes: Employees are discussing national politics in the workplace now more than ever, according to two new surveys. Politics has been on the rise since the 2016 election. But political leanings may be more than an office irritation. Managers tend to hire people of similar ideology, and doing so could create a hiring bias, according to researchers at Texas A&M….

Hacker Publishes 2TB of Data From Cayman National Bank

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: On Sunday, Motherboard reported that the hacker or hackers known as Phineas Fisher targeted a bank, stole money and documents, and is offering other hackers $100,000 to carry out politically motivated hacks. Now, the bank Phineas Fisher targeted, Cayman National Bank from the Isle of Man, confirmed it has suffered a data breach….

Eating a keto diet may give some protection against the flu

Giving mice a diet with lots of fat and few carbohydrates seemed to boost certain immune cells, which protected them from the flu Source:…

Google Asks Three Outside Antivirus Firms To Start Scanning Submissions To Android’s Play Store

“Android has a bit of a malware problem,” argues Wired, noting that ” malware-ridden apps sneak into the official Play Store with disappointing frequency…” “After grappling with the issue for a decade, Google is calling in some reinforcements.” This week, Google announced a partnership with three antivirus firms — ESET, Lookout, and Zimperium — to create an App Defense Alliance. All…

With a Laser, Researchers Say They Can Hack Alexa, Google Home or Siri

Researchers in Japan and at the University of Michigan said Monday that they have found a way to take over Google Home, Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri devices from hundreds of feet away by shining laser pointers, and even flashlights, at the devices’ microphones. The New York Times reports: In one case, they said, they opened a garage door by shining…

After Spike In Deaths, New York To Get 250 Miles of Protected Bike Lanes

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Riding a bicycle in New York City is often a harrowing journey across a patchwork of bike lanes that leave cyclists vulnerable to cars. The dangers came into focus this year after 25 cyclists were killed on city streets — the highest toll in two decades. Now Mayor Bill de…