Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Shows Promising Result In Animal Tests

Moderna’s vaccine candidate against Covid-19 protected against the virus in a trial that inoculated 16 monkeys, an encouraging step on the path to a defense for humans against the pandemic. Bloomberg reports: Two injections of the vaccine protected against heavy exposure to the virus at two different levels of dosage, Moderna said in findings published Tuesday in the New England Journal…

How are zoo animals handling the coronavirus shutdown?

How captive animals are coping with the sudden emptiness of the world’s zoos and aquariums Source:…

Why the World Will Look To India For a Coronavirus Vaccine

America and India “have run an internationally recognized joint vaccine development program for more than three decades,” writes long-time Slashdot reader retroworks. And today the BBC reported the two countries are now working together on vaccines against the new coronavirus:
India is among the largest manufacturer of generic drugs and vaccines in the world. It is home to half a dozen major…

Male lemurs may use their fruity-smelling wrists to attract mates

Male ring-tailed lemurs rub their wrists to release a sweet, fruity smell that may be the first evidence of sex pheromones identified in primates Source:…

The Doors of Eden review: A gripping alternate biology techno-thriller

Adrian Tchaikovsky’s latest novel The Doors of Eden rewrites Earth’s evolutionary history, with highlights including fish that upload their minds to supercomputers and cats that rule over primates Source:…

The Doors of Eden review: A gripping alternative biology tech-thriller

Adrian Tchaikovsky’s latest novel The Doors of Eden rewrites Earth’s evolutionary history, with highlights including fish that upload their minds to supercomputers and cats that rule over primates Source:…

What Makes A Dog Smart? Are Certain Dog Breeds Smarter?

Ever looked at your dog and wonder just what they’re thinking? That’s the question Dr. Brian Hare has spent his career trying to answer. He’s a scientist, New York Times bestselling author of the book, The Genius of Dogs, and Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University in North Carolina. His publications on dog cognition […]
The post What Makes A Dog…

Koalas and apes have evolved similar ways of walking in trees

On the ground, koalas run in a bounding motion with both hind legs hitting land at once. But in the trees, they move more like primates Source:…

Crows Could Be the Smartest Animal Other Than Primates

In a piece for the BBC, Chris Baraniuk writes about how the intelligence of New Caledonian crows may be far more advanced than we ever thought possible. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the report: Intelligence is rooted in the brain. Clever primates — including humans — have a particular structure in their brains called the neocortex. It is thought…