How fireflies glow and what signals they’re sending

Are the gentle blinks of fireflies flashing a favorite part of your summer evenings? An entomologist explains some lightning bug basics. Source:…

Orangutan mothers tell infants where to go by scratching themselves

When it’s time for an orangutan mother to move to a new part of the forest, she scratches her body to alert her infant while avoiding attracting predators Source:…

Whale mothers and calves whisper to avoid attracting predators

Southern right whale mothers and calves communicate with one another using quiet moo-like calls to avoid attracting predators such as killer whales and sharks Source:…

Southern right whale moms and calves may whisper to evade orcas

Mother-calf whale pairs call to each other quietly to stay in touch while avoiding attracting the attention of predators, a study suggests. Source:…

Super rare video of giant squid in US waters

Here be monsters. This video shows a living giant squid, captured on camera in its natural habitat for only the 2nd time in history. Source:…