Meet a 500-million-year old minibeast from the Cambrian explosion

More than half a billion years ago, this predator cruised the seas in what is now Yunnan, China. The remarkable fossil is on display in a new exhibition Source:…

How fireflies glow and what signals they’re sending

Are the gentle blinks of fireflies flashing a favorite part of your summer evenings? An entomologist explains some lightning bug basics. Source:…

Prehistoric predator fossils found in an underwater cave in Mexico

Short-faced bear and wolf-like fossils retrieved from a cave by divers are helping researchers to understand the animals of the Americas 30,000 years ago Source:…

Predator Cops, Guilty of Sex Crimes Against Women and Children, Are a Menace to Society

John W. Whitehead – How could this be happening right under our noses? Source:…

Australia’s dingoes may keep feral cats in check and protect wildlife

Feral cats have contributed to the extinction of 20 of Australia’s native mammals, but another predator – the dingo – might stop them causing more damage Source:…

‘Chupacabra’ Kills 71 Animals and Drains Their Blood in Mexico

It was not a dog; it was something tremendous. So read the headline in Mexican newspaper El Mexicano this week as farmers in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua reported the discovery of over 70 animals brutally mutilated by an unidentified-yet-eerily-familiar creature. Has el chupacabra claimed another victim – er, 71 victims? It’s possible. That is, if the… Read more » Source:…