Male lyrebirds imitate a flock of birds to scare females into mating

Birds threatened by a predator often call out to encourage other birds to make noise and fly about, repelling the attacker as part of a “mobbing flock”. Now it seems male lyrebirds imitate this sound to scare females into mating Source:…

Has Section 230 Created a ‘Vast Web of Vengeance’?

Slashdot reader GatorSnake shares “Another take of the implications of Section 230… One person poisoned the online personas of multiple people who had ‘wronged’ her, with it being nearly impossible to have the false accusations removed from the sites or from Google’s search results.” The New York Times reports:
Mr. Babcock, a software engineer, got off the phone and Googled himself. The…

A giant undersea sand worm’s fossilized lair

In 20-million-=year-old rock off the coast of Taiwan, researchers have discovered what they think is the fossilized burrow of a giant, predatory sand worm. Source:…

Strange fossil is the first to show an ammonite without its shell

Ammonites were swimming molluscs in the dinosaur age, and now we have found a fossil of one without its distinctive spiral shell – perhaps because it was attacked by a predator Source:…

Megalodon shark’s enormous babies ate their siblings in the womb

Megalodons – the extinct giant sharks that lived in most of Earth’s oceans about 3 million years ago – gave birth to babies that were larger than adult humans, scientists say. Source:…

Social life of extinct sabre-toothed cat revealed by ancient DNA

Homotherium, a sabre-toothed cat that lived in the Americas and Eurasia during the most recent ice age, was a swift and social predator, according to its genes Source:…