Mysterious Iron Age site may have been a retreat for religious hermits

Shards of pottery that was likely used for transporting food suggest a mountain site in the Czech Republic may have been a nature retreat for Iron Age religious hermits Source:…

Facebook Workplace Co-Founder Launches Downtime Fire Alarm Kintaba

Facebook Workplace co-founder John Egan is launching Kintaba, “a more holistic solution to incident response,” reports TechCrunch. From the report: Code failure downtimes, server outages and hack attacks plague engineering teams. Yet the tools for waking up the right employees, assembling a team to fix the problem and doing a post-mortem to assess how to prevent it from happening again can…

Twenty years of discoveries changing story of human evolution

Archaeological discoveries are happening faster than ever before, helping refine the human story. Source:…

Drought reveals a lost Spanish Stonehenge

Thanks to 2019’s record drought in Europe, a 7,000-year-old circle of 150 upright stones is back on dry land in western Spain, after 50 years underwater. Source:…

Prehistoric baby bottles found in Bronze and Iron Age sites in Germany

Archaeologists have found traces of animal and human milk in 2500 to 3200-year-old spouted pottery drinking vessels, suggesting they were used to feed babies Source:…