Martian moons have a common ancestor

Mars’s two moons, Phobos and Deimos, have puzzled researchers since their discovery in 1877. They are very small: Phobos’s diameter of 22 kilometers is 160 times smaller than that of our moon, and Deimos is even smaller, with a diameter of only 12 kilometers. “Our moon is essentially spherical, while the moons of Mars are very irregularly shaped—like potatoes,” says Amirhossein…

Ghana Scientist Tries Gene Editing To Create Healthier Sweet Potatoes

The Cornell Alliance for Science seeks to build “a significant international alliance of partners” to “correct misinformation and counter conspiracy theories” slowing progress on climate change, synthetic biology, agricultural innovations, and other issues. Slashdot reader wooloohoo shares their article about research on Ghana’s first gene-edited crop — a high-yielding sweet potato with increased beta carotone content. “For sweet potatoes, we want…

What’s the difference between asteroids and comets?

Asteroids and comets are generally composed of different materials and reside in different locations of the solar system, while some rare objects display characteristics of both. Source:…

The scientific guide to a better Christmas dinner I Science with Sam

 From crowd-pleasing Brussels sprouts and roast potatoes to a perfectly flambéed Christmas pudding, learn how science can help you nail the festive meal. Source:…

Fears about genetically modified foods are cultural not scientific

Many people strongly object to genetically modified plants, but foods like sweet potatoes and grapefruits are a reminder that that these concerns are cultural rather than based on science, says James Wong Source:…

How To Grow Sprouts At Home In Just 1 Week

Want to learn how to grow sprouts? It’s very simple. In fact, it will only take you around a week. Sprouts are nutritional powerhouses and growing them is a great addition to your wonderful homestead. So to help you get moving, we listed down a few steps. RELATED: How To Sprout Mung Beans In Jars…Continue Reading
The post How To Grow Sprouts…

Potatoes engineered to harm a major pest but leave other insects safe

Biologists have used a gene silencing approach to engineer potatoes to be lethal to a major pest called the Colorado potato beetle but harmless to other species Source:…

Cranberries: More than a holiday side dish

Fun facts about this floating fruit, the blueberry’s bitter cousin. Source:…

151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. & Their Characteristics

Check out 151 Types of Flowers common in the US. This guide is great for picking and choosing your very own garden, or custom bouquet! Scroll through to find your perfect bloom. —This post is courtesy of (Original publish date January 18, 2016), Shared with permission— 151 Types of Flowers Common In The U.S. &…Continue Reading
The post 151 Types of Flowers…

Plastic Mulching: Save Garden From Weeds & Boost Harvest

Get a headstart on your garden with plastic mulching. Suppress weeds, conserve water, and boost crop production with this wonderful gardening solution. Plastic Mulching: Save Garden From Weeds & Boost Harvest Spring comes without fail every year, it is some many of us enjoy and can hardly wait for it to arrive. Spring is the…Continue Reading
The post Plastic Mulching: Save Garden…