Twice as many UK citizens worried about climate change as 3 years ago

A poll of 1400 UK citizens reveals that 40 per cent are worried about climate change, up from 19 per cent in 2016 – and about a quarter cited climate change as the UK’s top issue Source:…

Google’s Black Box Algorithm Controls Which Political Emails Land in Your Main Inbox

Adrianne Jeffries, Leon Yin, and Surya Mattu, reporting for The Markup: Pete Buttigieg is leading at 63 percent. Andrew Yang came in second at 46 percent. And Elizabeth Warren looks like she’s in trouble with 0 percent. These aren’t poll numbers for the U.S. 2020 Democratic presidential contest. Instead, they reflect which candidates were able to consistently land in Gmail’s primary…

61% of Americans want full UFO disclosure

A new poll has revealed what Americans really think about UFOs, Area 51 and government cover-ups. Last month we reported that the UK’s Royal Air Force… Source:…

Poll reveals climate change as most important issue for U.S. adults

A Harris Poll survey – conducted online in December on behalf of the American Psychological Association – reports that more than half of U.S. adults (56%) cite climate change as the most important issue facing the world today. Source:…

More Americans Went To the Library Than To the Movies Last Year

The US film industry may have generated revenues somewhere in the region of $40 billion last year, but it seems Hollywood still has plenty of work to do if it wants to compete with that most hallowed of American institutions: the public library. From a report: According to a recent Gallup poll (the first such survey since 2001), visiting the local…

Do Proof-of-Concept Exploits Do More Harm Than Good?

secwatcher writes:
When it comes to the release of proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits, more security experts agree that the positives outweigh the negatives, according to a recent and informal Threatpost poll. In fact, almost 60 percent of 230 security pundits thought it was a “good idea” to publish PoC code for zero days. Up to 38 percent of respondents, meanwhile, argued it wasn’t…

70% of Americans Dislike Daylight Savings Time

An anonymous reader quotes a Yahoo News 360 report on Americans who hate Daylight Savings Time: A push to end the semiannual clock shift, which has been shown to correlate with negative health and productivity outcomes, is gaining steam throughout the country. Most of the momentum is behind a movement to make daylight saving time permanent so the “spring forward” lasts…

45% of Americans believe in paranormal entities

A new YouGov poll has revealed how many Americans believe in the existence of supernatural beings. With Halloween fast approaching, British market res… Source:…

Researchers Easily Breached Voting Machines For the 2020 Election

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Engadget: The voting machines that the U.S. will use in the 2020 election are still vulnerable to hacks. A group of ethical hackers tested a bunch of those voting machines and election systems (most of which they bought on eBay). They were able to crack into every machine, The Washington Post reports. Their tests…