GitHub Warns Java Developers of New Malware Poisoning NetBeans Projects

GitHub issued a security alert Thursday warning about new malware spreading on its site via boobytrapped Java projects, ZDNet reports:
The malware, which GitHub’s security team has named Octopus Scanner, has been found in projects managed using the Apache NetBeans IDE (integrated development environment), a tool used to write and compile Java applications. GitHub said it found 26 repositories uploaded on its…

Study finds microplastics in Florida birds of prey for 1st time

A new study has confirmed the presence of microplastics in birds of prey, including hawks, ospreys and owls. The accumulation of microplastics in birds’ digestive systems could lead to poisoning, starvation and death. Source:…

Regularly attending religious services associated with lower risk of deaths of despair, study finds

People who attended religious services at least once a week were significantly less likely to die from ‘deaths of despair,’ including deaths related to suicide, drug overdose, and alcohol poisoning, according to new research. Source:

Have a First Aid Question? Don’t Ask Siri Or Cortana.

AmiMoJo quotes Mashable: A new study from the University of Alberta, published Tuesday in the medical journal The BMJ, tested smart assistants Siri, Cortana, Alexa, and Google Assistant on their ability to respond helpfully to first aid questions. While Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa way outperformed Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana, the results as a whole were underwhelming. The researchers asked…

Are solar storms dangerous to us?

Activity on the sun affects Earth’s magnetic field. It can cause geomagnetic storms, the same events that create the beautiful aurorae, or northern and southern lights. Are these storms dangerous? Source:…

California has huge environmental inequality – here’s how to fix it

Thousands of people in California don’t have access to running water and communities have been affected by pesticide poisoning. To stop these injustices we need to work together, says Julie Sze Source:…

Free Software Foundation Suggests Microsoft ‘Upcycles’ Windows 7 As Open Source

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is urging Microsoft to open source Windows 7, which is no longer supported by the company. The Register reports: On the face of it, the logic seems pretty simple. On January 14, Windows 7 reached its end of life as Microsoft turned off the free security update taps with a final fix. “Its life doesn’t have…

Netflix Cancels Rebooted ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’

Netflix’s reboot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 made this year’s “Best Of” lists from both The New York Times and Rotten Tomatoes. Yet apparently their bosses didn’t like them, and have shot them into space. Forbes reports: In a controversial move poisoning Thanksgiving for many indie comedy fans, Mystery Science Theater 3000 host Jonah Ray tweeted that Netflix has cancelled the…